Elite Human Design Consulting Blog

If You Don't Follow Strategy & Authority Nothing Else Matters #bodygraph #bossbabe #bossbabeblog #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #generator #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignbodygraph #manifestors #projectors #rebelsoulleaders #reflectorsinbusiness #sacredrebel #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog #spiritualbossbabe #strategy&authority #strategy&business #strategy&humandesign Jan 13, 2023

If you don’t follow strategy & authority nothing else matters…

And the mentality of bypassing it because “learning more will help you embody your strategy & authority” is completely missing the point.

Anytime you look at the bodygraph the MOST dominant characteristic is type.

Generators work until sacral is empty on something that you enjoy building, honoring the plateaus when they arise.

Projectors work in short bursts on your MASTERY, something you deeply...

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Marketing Using BG5 & Your Public Role #badassbusinessbabe #badassbusinessleader #bg5 #bg5&business #bg5&humandesign #bg5&marketing #bg5&wealth #bg5blog #bg5consultant #buildinganonlinebusiness #humandesign #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #innovatorsinbusiness #marketing&bg5 #marketingwithbg5 #marketingyourbusiness #marketingyouronlinebusiness #rebel #rebelsoulleaders Jan 12, 2023

Ready to STOP the scroll with your content?

Look, copy matters.  POSITIONING matters.

If you can’t grab attention immediately people will scroll on by.  To have a business that continues to grow & expand the truth is this:

You need to have new dreamy of the dream clients finding you, following you, & saying YES to you.  They can’t do that if they are not immediately able to tell why you are relevant to them.

Sometimes I get people coming to me asking for...

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Is Energy or Strategy More Important in Business? #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #buildinganonlinebusiness #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #hardtruth #hardtruthinbusiness #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #innovatorsinbusiness #roughtruth #strategy&business #strategy&humandesign #truthinbusiness Jan 09, 2023

Ready for some tough truth?

Your energy or alignment ALONE will not scale your business.  Truthfully, neither will strategy & structure.

Mindset & alignment must come first HOWEVER it is not enough if you desire to be in it for the long term.

This is where a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs get stuck, especially if they are attempting to model someone else's business model without the (shocker) strategy & structure, as well as TEAM, behind the scenes that ALLOW that person...

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What It Takes To Succeed #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #humandesign #humandesignblog #mindbodysoul #mindset&business #mindsetofsuccess #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #sacredrebel #soulalignedbusiness #successcoaching #successinbusiness #successinlife #successmindsettips #successminset Jan 09, 2023

I am NOT the coach for you if you are looking for someone to chase you down to follow through on action steps ‍

What I have witnessed from working with thousands of people is a very clear line on who succeeds & who doesn’t (or who creates rapid success & who struggles for years):

Successful people make decisions & make decisions fast THEN IMPLEMENT IT IMMEDIATELY.  They aren’t afraid to fail & likely fail more times than anyone else.

People who...

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Success Requires Thinking Differently #badassbusinessbabe #badassbusinessleader #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #ceomindset #humandesign #humandesignblog #liveyourdream #mindset&business #mindsetofsuccess #nextlevelyou #rebelsoulleaders #sacredrebel #successcoaching #successinbusiness #successinlife #successmindsettips #successminset Jan 08, 2023

Your next level of success requires thinking differently, no matter how much money you make or how big your business is.  

Continued success requires grit, resiliency, & adaptability.

It requires kicking your own ass even when you may notttt want to do the thing, without hiding behind a bullshit story of “It isn’t aligned” or “My inner authority said it isn’t right for me” ( If your “inner authority” only says yes to shit that is...

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Your Business Is Not Your Baby #badassbusinessbabe #badassbusinessleader #buildingabusinessusinghumandesign #buildinganonlinebusiness #business&bg5 #business&branding #business&genekeys #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #humandesign #innovativebusiness #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #sacredrebel #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork Jan 08, 2023

Your business is not your baby.  It is not an extension of you.  

When you can detach from your business you allow yourself to shift into a CEO mindset & actually treat your business like a business.

*This is not only where magic happens but where creating something sustainable & scalable is born*

What happens all too often is that the business is treated as someone's baby or extension of self, quickly taking over someone's life while other areas fall apart. ...

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