Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Safety in Your Nervous System Also Requires Safety in Your Business #business&branding #business&genekeys #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #genekeys #genekeys&business #genekeys&humandesign #genekeys&humandesignblog #genekeysblog #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesignblog #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog #spiritualbossbabe #spiritualbossbabeblog #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womenspiritualleaders Sep 07, 2022

What happens IN your body if you feel into an unexpected bill…  One above the current recurring income in your business, or above your current means to pay outright.

Something happening to a family member, taxes, etc that requires cash now.

Or, even an injury or something happening where you simply are not able to be live IN your business constantly or run your business based on endless daily tactics?

I want you to spend a moment feeling into it.  Noticing what comes up...

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Fitness For Greater Wealth Expansion #businesscoaching #businesstips #healers #humandesign #humandesigngenerator #humandesignmanifestinggenerator #humandesignmanifestor #humandesignprojector #humandesignreflector #selfawareness #selfdevelopment #selfmade #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualentrepreneur #spiritualgangster #spirtualgrowth #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness Sep 05, 2022

If you expect yourself to operate at a high level, if you expect yourself to hold space for more…

Health & physical alignment must be a priority. 

Your body leads, and if you treat your body like a beater car you can’t expect it to perform like a Bugatti.

I was reminded of this recently. 

Going back in time a bit, first: 

My business hit a plateau exactly at the time I stopped training & stopped making my health a priority. 

I stopped being able to...

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Boundaries in Business #badassbusinessbabe #buildingabusinessusinghumandesign #buildinganonlinebusiness #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #spiritualbossbabe #spiritualbusiness #spiritualentrepreneurblog #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #womenspiritualleaders Aug 29, 2022

Boundaries in business.

Admittedly, I had shitty boundaries at the beginning of my business.  I allowed others to bend mine in ways I would never dream of pushing others.

A turning point for me was the first time I invested in a “high level” mentor.  It was the first time investing $10, 000 a month in coaching & due to time zone differences I would stay up late to catch our calls.  For our first 1:1 call I got a text “Hey, on live. Can we push our call...

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Your Mind Never Creates Aligned Action #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #bg5 #bg5blog #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #inneralignment #innerauthority #innerdrive #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #womenspiritualleaders Jul 13, 2022

You will never get to aligned action from the mind. Only from your inner authority…

Only from the depths of your truth, the well of your soul.

You will never get to aligned action from the mind…. 

Forcing yourself into rooms you FEEL are right for you rather than allowing rooms to receive your power & purest essence.

You will never get to aligned action from the mind…

Only from allowing yourself to be MOVED,

For it to pour out of you & into those around you.

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"I need to prove myself" The Not Self of the Undefined Ego #ashleybrianaeve #badassbusinessbabe #businessbyhumandesign #businessgrowth #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #spiritualawakening #thenotselfhumandesign #undefinedego #womenempowerment Mar 25, 2022

“I need to prove myself”, “I’m not enough until ___/ yet” is a very common voice of the not self undefined ego,.

Now, it isn’t only the undefined ego where beliefs surrounding this can creep up; add a not self ego to a 1st line profile & you have a recipe for the mind to play games that keep you directly where you are based on conditioning around needing to prove yourself before you can step out into your TRUE soul work.  Now, as Ra said...

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The Programming Goes DEEP: Accessing Inner Gifts #astrologycertification #learningastrology #shewolf #shewolfinstincts #spiritualblog #womenempowerment #womenspiritualleaders Sep 28, 2020
The programming and conditioning to keep you at arms length from your gifts is REAL.
I used to CRINGE hearing mind, body & soul. I immediately envisioned some pretzel-like yoga position on a picturesque mountainside with flowy font over the picture promoting a yoga retreat.
In my journey and seeing how I have had extensive experience as a Health/ Physique coach, Astrologer/ Human Design Expert, Counsellor, badass divine being and more….
One day it hit me...
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