Reclaiming Self: A Blog for Women on the Path to Inner Freedom

Dive into stories and wisdom that guide you from burnout to grounded, purposeful living.
Expectations vs Reality with Physique Goals #bootybuildingtips #fitnessblog #humandesignblog #manifestationblog #physiquecoach #plantbasednutrition Sep 10, 2020
Some tough fitness love. This is truly a must read, especially if you are frustrated about lack of results or feel you are owed faster results.
Let's do this:
Expectations vs reality.
First, I want to say you will NEVER hate your body thin. It won't happen.
Even at my heaviest, 2 years ago (not pictured), when I was depressed, medicated, an anxiety ball 24/7 despite anxiety meds (another talk for another day about anxiety meds....), etc I never hated my...
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