Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Human Design is NOT Your Authority #ashleybrianaeve #askashley #awakening #bg5 #bg5blog #bossbabe #embodiedleadership #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&relationships #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #notyourauthority May 23, 2022

I must have given my last fuck in my last plateau because yes, we are going there, calling out all the BS.

Stuff like “You are a Projector so you always have to …..”, “You are an MG & if you are exhausted you must be responding wrong...” isn’t just cringy but makes Human Design look like a nutty cult.  It is NEVER a good point or idea to tell someone such a dangerous sweeping statement.

What Human Design tells us is that you have your own inner...

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