Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Projector Success Secrets: the Advisor Career Type advisor bg5 bg5 consultant bg5 human design human design coach projector human design projector success secrets Jan 26, 2022


Projector Question: What are the consequences of not working according to your true nature as a Projector in business?

Answer: Feeling bitterly unsuccessful and sacrificing your quality of life, relationships, and health in an attempt to make money and keep up with the world. Further, instead of being the lighthouse for others you will create "static" in your aura which will cause resistance in others seeing you as the expert for guiding their energy.  Your energy speaks before...

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What are the Variables according to Human Design bg5 career coaching human design basics human design coach human design courses human design generator human design manifestor human design outer authority human design projector human design reflector human design variables Dec 27, 2021


What are the Variables according to Human Design?

Variable is an advanced area of the Human Design System which offers you an in-depth look at your cognitive design and uniqueness. It provides you with a clear, practical map for the transformation of your awareness and therefore how you experience your life & grow your business. It is a key to “enlightenment” & also key to the expansion you desire within your business.

”Variable addresses what Strategy and...

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Skyrocket Success in Your Business in 2022 human design human design blog human design coach skyrocket sales skyrocket success Nov 21, 2021

I would have never thought you could build a multiple 6 figure business & want to burn it down…

Until it happened to me.


So I took over a year to take everything I already KNEW, had studied & been taught (But truthfully more or less ignored because “I follow soul & fuck a niche”) and actually slowly implemented it.


And then I become THE person to help spiritual entrepreneurs derubble the shit storm no foundation, no strategy, no pathway, no...

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The Solar Plexus: A Field Guide to Living with Feeling #emotionalauthority #humandesign #humandesigncoach #humandesignexpert #humandesignqueen #thesolarplexus emotional authority human design human design coach the human design queen the solar plexus Dec 13, 2020
Exponential growth through the Solar Plexus….
A field guide to living with feeling!
As an open solar plexus (There is a difference between open & undefined) and as 1 of only 2 centres that are undefined in my chart the solar plexus has been a place of a lot of lessons, growth & wisdom… As it should be!
Our undefined/ open centres are where we go to school in life. They are where we gain wisdom and through that wisdom guide others.
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Generators ARE the life force energy of Earth #generatorsinbusiness #humandesign #humandesigncoach #humandesignexpert business by design human design coach Dec 06, 2020
The Sacral generates life pattern...
Reflectors & Manifestors get the most attention for being so RAREEE…. Projectors get attention for being THE guides…
And Generators (Which includes MGS) are a bit written off as the majority.
And I just sit back here and chuckle because it really does show a lack of understanding of the energy.
Have you ever wondered why Ra put so much emphasis on waking up the Generators?
The sacral generates the...
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Aligning With Your 6 Figure Launch Using Human Design #6figurelaunch #badassbusinessbabe #humandesigncoach #humandesignguide badass business babe human design business coach human design coach Nov 11, 2020
There is no one right "strategy" to your first 6 figure launch, even when we pull apart the designs the question becomes:
How does it make you FEEL?
You can do everything "right" strategically and have a launch flop because you were operating from the not self of "I have to do this".
You can also have a 6 figure launch doing everything "wrong" because you simply believed, in every cell of your body & every fibre of your being that is was already yours.
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