Oracle of the Stars


Unlock your Galactic Blueprint & Step Into Your Highest Potential

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“Be humble for you are made of Earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.”

~ Unknown

Consciously create the life of your dreams.


You’ve always felt it—a spark, a knowing that there’s more to this world than the polished, watered-down version they’ve tried to sell you. You’ve been drawn to fairytales and mythical stories, not because they’re just stories, but because you’ve always known there’s real magic hiding beneath the surface.

Maybe you’ve been told to play it safe, tone it down, or stay in your lane and at some point you... did.  You fell in line.

Yet, somewhere deep within there’s a longing for more. A longing for a different kind of life that you never fully forgot about—one with more freedom, more abundance, more aliveness, more magic, more love, more health, more purpose, more soul, more.....


It may show up differently for each of us, yet there is a yearning, a calling, for more and a snake skin that is itching to be shed.

That's where I come in.

Welcome to "Real Life Hogwarts".

Whether you’re drawn to the raw truths of astrology, the deep wisdom of galactic lineages, or the untamed power of dragon energy, you’re in the right place.

So, let's not waste any more time. This is where your real journey begins—guided by ancient wisdom, cosmic truths, and a no-BS approach to awakening the magic that’s been waiting inside you all along.


Let's Connect
Hey there!

I'm Ashley.

Esoteric Astrologer + Pop Culture Psychic


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“By working with you, it is our intention to offer you a reminder of who you are so that you can find the greatest source for your own inspiration. If we could assign a career to each of you or give you a way of being, we would ask each of you to become an inspiration. When you are able to live in this capacity and to be truly an inspiration to all who encounter you, you will be living your light, and that is quite profound.”
~ Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians


Ashley Briana Eve is an international astrologer, spiritual teacher, empowerment coach, and the internet’s favourite Pop Culture Psychic on YouTube.

By blending ancient wisdom with modern mysticism and no-nonsense practicality, Ashley has guided thousands to make empowered choices that align them with their highest potential.

Known for her raw, relatable approach, Ashley teaches spiritual and esoteric wisdom that’s grounded in the real world. Her unique style is rooted in ancient mystery school traditions, and she channels from a quantum and cosmic perspective that’s as deep as it is direct.

Ashley is the creator of two groundbreaking healing & activation modalities—the Galactic DNA Activation and the Dragon Lightbody Activation. Her astrology readings aren’t just insights; they’re a crystal-clear map to the intricate blueprint of your soul that have left her with the title of creating "Real Life Hogwarts".

As a champion of the Divine Feminine and a warrior for the soul, Ashley is on a mission to help you live a more conscious life by understanding yourself on a deeper level. She’s committed to bringing the ancient knowledge of astrology into our collective awareness, raising the vibration of Earth one soul at a time.

Ashley has dedicated her life to being “in service to the soul" (Right Angle Cross of Service), delivering inspired astrology readings like never before, using Galactic portals, Starseed markings, asteroids, & Goddess points to help you activate dormant DNA & step into your higher purpose.  All of this is done with the Dragons as her guides.

Her soul’s purpose? To assist in the ascension process and guide you toward becoming a more conscious, vibrant version of yourself. One reading with Ashley will shift your perspective and offer profound insights into the journey of your soul, helping you step into your power and make the world a more beautiful place.

Let's Work Together.

See My Offerings and Services.

1:1 Support


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Self Paced Courses

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Lilith After Dark Astrology YouTube

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Mother of Dragons: Awaken the Dragon Within

What if the whispers deep within your soul became your reality?

What if you could fully understand the lifelong connection you’ve felt with dragons and awaken your dragon light body?

Imagine being guided back to your original blueprint, a sacred remembrance of your purpose and the ancient lineage you carry.

What if your original guides were by your side, illuminating the path that is truly yours?

And what if you could listen with such clarity that doubt fades, replaced by unwavering trust in divine guidance?


Step into a journey of transformation with a 6-module course (45 minutes to 1 hour per module), each accompanied by a workbook.

These teachings will take you through sacred transmissions, guided meditations, and Shamanic Journeys designed to activate your dragon light body and connect you deeply with your Team of Guides, especially the Dragon guides.

You’ll receive practices, tools, and contemplations to support your continued journey, allowing you to deepen your connection to your light body and align with your original Cosmic Body Blueprint.

The course offers both a self-paced option and an enriched private with Ashley in Voxer for additional support and guidance.

If you feel the call to dive into the magic and mysteries of the cosmos, I invite you to step into Mother of Dragons and rediscover the ancient wisdom that lies within you.

Learn More


Let Others Inspire You.

"Let me illuminate for you this one art form that I believe only Ashley Briana Eve can do.

Only Ashley can tell you something but somehow you feel like she didn't tell you to do anything at all.

Somehow you feel like it was completely your idea (even though she just said it) because it WAS your idea.  She simply reflected it back so that you could hear yourself.

 And that's why you will implement.

Somehow Ashley has this unique art form of creating an environment and giving you the tools such that you can now go DO what you need to do.

I have honestly never seen anyone do this, and I don't think I'm going to".

Lopa of Awaken Purandhri

"This pure Generator just gets me going! Ashley knows how to light my fire.  I have never been so fulfilled, so happy, so in my element, so creative, so lit up. I can't remember the last time I made this much money. The formula is not what they say it is. You have your own unique formula & no one has brought this out more in me than Ashley.  You need to get inside her programs.  Trust me!

She is one of the only people that I will continue to work with.  She finds out about YOU & what YOU want & how YOU operate. She doesn't fit you into a box, she doesn't tell you what to do based on some ridiculous formula.  She guides you back to you.  Never have I felt more free, never have I felt more alive never have I felt so fulfilled AND on mission with my purpose.

A lot of people struggle with this for so long, I did as well. Ashley is your girl for all things business.

My life has transformed because of Ashley. I  get moved to tears when I think about her because she cares about me & there are so many people in this journey who didn't.  They just saw me as a dollar sign & cared about my money, they just told me to do things that weren't right for me- Not Ashley.  

Ashley has a heart of gold & I am just so honoured to be in her world."

Ashley Vincent, Ashley's Light Shop

“If you’re a high level entrepreneur or business looking for the best support to help you optimize your team and scale your opportunity for profits - Ashley is your only choice.

She is leading the way when it comes to advanced, integrity based human design training and consultancy and is paving the way for so many business owners, professionals, and athletes to succeed.

As a Positive Psychologist and CEO of a multi million dollar online training company myself, with a 30+ person staff, and a close knit and highly curated leadership team I am committed to creating high performance and not just optimizing, but weaponizing our human capital so we can scale our company faster and help more people in the world.

That’s why I hired Ash to support our team to gain clarity around our best styles of leading, communicating, and working together so we can leverage her expert knowledge and support to help us grow. 

Whether you are an individual or a team you’re getting left behind if you don’t do this work.

Thinking about taking a course, hiring her as a coach or bringing her in to work closely with your team like I did? Do it - your people, profits, and purpose will thank you for it.”  


Niyc Pidgeon, Founder of Unstoppable Success, Creator of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy Certification, Award Winning Positive Psychologist, & Hay House Author.

“Well God damnnnnnnn, I’ve just experienced an Intuitive Astrology/ Psychic Reading from the legend that is Ashley Brianne Eve and wow.

This is not my first experience of this woman's magic I’ve been in her world since 2020 and it has always been transformative for my personal growth and business.

Honestly, this session was ridiculously insightful and so healing for me. It was like coming home to what I knew to already be true and being able to receive the information in a different way – so validating. As I said the insights into my chart were startlingly accurate and her advice will help propel me and my business forward.

Every aspect was so on point, I am like can I have another one right away? SO GOOD. Trust me when these become available, you’re going to want to get one ASAP. The session not only provided clarity about my current life situation but also offered practical guidance that I can immediately apply to start making positive changes.

Ashley always has the most potent energy and an amazing way of activating you and moving you along. Thank you for freeing me and my energy today. I deeply appreciate you and all the wisdom you bring. 

I wholeheartedly recommend Ashley's sessions to anyone seeking deeper insight and guidance. Her talent is truly a gift to experience."


Katy Whyte, Spiritual Guide
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5 Simple Habits High Performers Need to Break Free from Burnout

Sep 22, 2024

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