A Little
About Me.

Oracle of the Stars, Mother of Dragons

Fairytales are Real 

I believe that magic isn’t just something you read about in fairytales—it’s a force that’s alive within each of us. The feminine mysteries have been buried & burned, leaving those of us with the codes & wisdom held in our cells responsible for bringing it forward.

The Stars hold the blueprint to your true self

I believe that the stars, planets, and cosmic bodies aren’t just distant objects—they are reflections of our inner world and guides to our higher purpose. By understanding your galactic lineage, diving deep into divine feminine points and asteroids, and working with the energies of the cosmos, you can uncover the blueprint of who you truly are and step into the life you were always meant to live.


You have to Lose Your Mind to Find Your Soul

I believe that finding your true purpose requires a painful unwinding that often requires you to "lose" your mind to find your soul.  The path of alignment & purpose isn't easy.  You must take ownership of your shadow patterns & stay committed to your path even when it is easier to slip back into the illusions.

I'm Ashley


An esoteric astrologer who’s got one foot in the cosmos and the other firmly planted on mama Gaia. Happiest deep within a forest, lying on the moss with feet in the river, looking up at the stars I bridge the mystical with the mundane, the cosmos with Gaia, ancient civilizations with your gifts here and now.

A bridge.  Maybe you are too.  Although, you may be a weaver or alchemist.

From the time I was a child, the stars have been my constant companions. I grew up gazing at the night sky, my dragon friend by my side, always feeling like I was from somewhere else. This fascination led me to use up my electives, in University, studying Astronomy and deep diving into the world of Astrology, guided by some of the most renowned astrologers in the field.

Over the years, I’ve developed my own esoteric, intuitive astrology practice, focusing on asteroids, divine feminine points, and galactic origins, such as Ancient Avalon, Lemuria, and Pleiades. I help people reconnect with their star seed origins, embracing their true cosmic nature & gifts.

My world is often called Real Life Hogwarts. And honestly? They’re not wrong. Step into my world, and you’ll find yourself in a place where the mystical isn’t just a concept—it’s a way of life. Here, dragons are your guides, the stars hold your secrets, and every cosmic alignment is a chance to unlock your true potential. It’s a space where the esoteric meets the everyday, where your wildest dreams are met with the kind of no-nonsense wisdom that cuts through the fluff and gets straight to the heart of what really matters.

This isn’t just astrology as you know it; it’s a deep dive into the magical, the mythical, and the galactic. It’s where ancient wisdom meets modern life, and where every session, every reading, and every cosmic insight is designed to empower you to live your most authentic, magical life. Whether you’re seeking to understand your starseed origins, tap into dragon energy, or just figure out what the hell is going on with your chart, you’re in the right place.

So, welcome to Real Life Hogwarts, where magic is real, and so are the transformations you’re about to experience.


P.S. Hang out with me on YouTube, and you’ll quickly see why I’m known as everyone’s favorite Pop Culture Psychic. I blend my lifelong obsession with astrology and pop culture to give you the hottest trends, news, and drama—all through the lens of tarot and the stars.

This is My Story.


From the time I was a kid, I’ve always felt a deep connection to the stars, the moon, and the ancient civilizations that I instinctively knew existed—both on Earth and in the cosmos. I was fascinated by the cycles of nature and felt a profound bond with Gaia. But like many, I was conditioned to follow a more conventional path, leading me to study psychology in university. Still, my fascination with the stars never waned; I filled my electives with courses on Greek mythology, Roman history, and astronomy.

After years in the psychology and mental health fields, I hit a breaking point—a dark night of the soul. I remember standing in front of the mirror one night, thinking, “This can’t be all there is. I wasn’t born just to pay bills and die.” It was in that moment I made a promise to myself: to reconnect with the magic and mysticism that had always called to me, hidden behind the veils of conditioning.

I dove deep into human design, astrology, and began working with world-leading astrologers to hone my gifts. I started channeling dragons and committed fully to my practice. This wasn’t just about personal growth; it was about embracing abundance, love, aliveness, passion, and making a real impact in the world.

Soon after, I quit my corporate job and launched my online business, initially as a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist. But my soul had other plans. I was drawn to helping women in ways that defied logic but felt undeniably right. I founded the Wild Woman Mystery Schools, creating a space where women could reconnect with the feminine mysteries, astrology, and their gifts. It was a return to womb consciousness, Gaia, and the cosmos—a deepening into the full power of the feminine.

Yet, as often happens, I slipped back into old patterns, doing what made logical sense: business coaching. I helped others build successful brands, but once again, the soul’s call returned. Despite achieving traditional success, I felt something vital was missing: Soul. And I could no longer ignore it.

I embarked on a new journey of initiation, working with shamans and embracing the Mother to Maiden archetypal journey & initiation for myself. I deepened my connection with the dragons, the cosmos, and my guides, realizing that this was my true path—one where my health and happiness depended on following my soul’s calling.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve studied energy healing, neuroscience, Reiki, Gene Keys, Human Design, archetypal psychology, quantum physics, shamanism, astrology, and more to understand myself and to guide others. Now, I weave the vast amount of experience from this lifetime & past to help women connect with the magic and mysticism that’s been waiting for them, to discover their higher purpose, access their galactic lineage, and awaken the medicine held within their bones.

My Approach


Ashley Briana Eve is an international astrologer, spiritual teacher, empowerment coach, and the internet’s favorite Pop Culture Psychic on YouTube.

By blending ancient wisdom with modern mysticism and no-nonsense practicality, Ashley has guided thousands to make empowered choices that align them with their highest potential.

Known for her raw, relatable approach, Ashley teaches spiritual and esoteric wisdom that’s grounded in the real world. Her unique style is rooted in ancient mystery school traditions, and she channels from a quantum and cosmic perspective that’s as deep as it is direct.

Ashley is the creator of two groundbreaking healing & activation modalities—the Galactic DNA Activation and the Dragon Lightbody Activation. Her astrology readings aren’t just insights; they’re a crystal-clear map to the intricate blueprint of your soul that have left her with the title of creating "Real Life Hogwarts".

As a champion of the Divine Feminine and a warrior for the soul, Ashley is on a mission to help you live a more conscious life by understanding yourself on a deeper level. She’s committed to bringing the ancient knowledge of astrology into our collective awareness, raising the vibration of Earth one soul at a time.

Ashley has dedicated her life to being “in service to the soul" (Right Angle Cross of Service), delivering inspired astrology readings like never before, using Galactic portals, Starseed markings, asteroids, & Goddess points to help you activate dormant DNA & step into your higher purpose.  All of this is done with the Dragons as her guides.

Her soul’s purpose? To assist in the ascension process and guide you toward becoming a more conscious, vibrant version of yourself. One reading with Ashley will shift your perspective and offer profound insights into the journey of your soul, helping you step into your power and make the world a more beautiful place.


Let Others Inspire You.
"Let me illuminate for you this one art form that I believe only Ashley Briana Eve can do.
Only Ashley can tell you something but somehow you feel like she didn't tell you to do anything at all.
Somehow you feel like it was completely your idea (even though she just said it) because it WAS your idea.  She simply reflected it back so that you could hear yourself.
And that's why you will implement.
Somehow Ashley has this unique art form of creating an environment and giving you the tools such that you can now go DO what you need to do.
I have honestly never seen anyone do this, and I don't think I'm going to".
Lopa (Awaken Purandhri)
"Well God damnnnnnnn, I’ve just experienced an Intuitive Astrology/ Psychic Reading from the legend that is Ashley Brianne Eve and wow.
This is not my first experience of this woman's magic I’ve been in her world since 2020 and it has always been transformative for my personal growth and business.
Honestly, this session was ridiculously insightful and so healing for me. It was like coming home to what I knew to already be true and being able to receive the information in a different way – so validating. As I said the insights into my chart were startlingly accurate and her advice will help propel me and my business forward.
Every aspect was so on point, I am like can I have another one right away? SO GOOD. Trust me when these become available, you’re going to want to get one ASAP. The session not only provided clarity about my current life situation but also offered practical guidance that I can immediately apply to start making positive changes.
Ashley always has the most potent energy and an amazing way of activating you and moving you along. Thank you for freeing me and my energy today. I deeply appreciate you and all the wisdom you bring. 
I wholeheartedly recommend Ashley's sessions to anyone seeking deeper insight and guidance. Her talent is truly a gift to experience."


Katy Whyte, Spiritual Guide 

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