Reclaiming Self: A Blog for Women on the Path to Inner Freedom

Dive into stories and wisdom that guide you from burnout to grounded, purposeful living.
Aligning with Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority #environmentalauthorityhumandesign #humandesigncoaching #humandesignegoauthority #humandesignemotionalauthority #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignlunarauthority #humandesignsacralauthority #humandesignsplenicauthority #projectormentalauthority #whatdoesitmeantohavenoauthority Oct 26, 2020
Aligning With Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority
Authority is the mechanical way in which you make correct decisions from your body intelligence. It is important to understand that you cannot get to correct authority or decision making without first being correct in your aura strategy (how you are designed to meet life).
If your mind is pushing or pulling, trying to get what it thinks it wants, or reacting to pressure from others, remember: first you must go home. Home...
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