Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Can You Ask The Sacral Yes/ No Questions? holistic human design human design blog human design for everyone human design generators human design inner authority human design sacral authority quantum human design Oct 19, 2021
Tough love below…
But save this one for the alignment kick required to access higher levels of consciousness & sensitivity to your design.
In my 1:1 container I work with clients that have been in the trenches of their experiment for some time. Typically when they come to me one on one we are beginning to loosen their grip on labels & THINKING about their design & opening up into contemplation & greater levels of sensitivity to their passenger...
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Human Design Profile Lines Love Notes human design blog human design for business human design for everyone human design profile lines human design profiles Oct 15, 2021
Love notes for the profile lines.
While strategy & authority is what actually allows us to LIVE our profile it was wildly confirming & heart opening to learn what it meant to be a 4/6 in the early days of my own experiment.
As someone that always felt I should be more social & extroverted I originally was shocked to see I was the networker.
As I mastered my craft within #humandesign & went deeper into my studies I realized it actually has nothing to do with being...
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