Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

What Makes A Brand #branding&business #brandsthatinnovate #business&branding #business&humandesign #humandesign #humandesign&branding #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #innovativebranding #innovativebusiness Jul 10, 2023

My clients that GET this blow up in their niche…

The clients that don’t….

Well, I don’t work with clients that don’t anymore because I just don’t believe in broad, vague messaging.

Changing platforms won’t save your brand if you don’t have a message worth stopping for & offers people want. 

In a time where distractions are high focus on this:

What is your business owners intent?  Build out from there.

What is your priority now,...

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Copywriting as a 3rd Line (Human Design) #business&branding #business&humandesign #business&strategy #businessbyhumandesign #businessgrowth #copythatconverts #copythatsells #copywritting #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&branding #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing Jun 29, 2023

Sharing trial & error just isn’t enough!

In fact, a 3rd line can become real cringey real fast if there is a lot of trial & error shared without the:

  1. Relevance.  Not just to your brand but to the transformation you provide.  What is the INTENTION of sharing said trial & error?  

For reals tho.  You don’t want your audience to feel bad for you in consuming your content AND not all of your trial & error has relevance to your brand.

  1. Why...
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The "Right" Business Strategy Using Human Design #branding&business #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #humandesign #humandesign&strategy #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #innovatorsinbusiness #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #strategy&authority #strategy&business #strategy&humandesign Jun 15, 2023

Fastest way to close the gap in your business?

Being in a container with someone that can help you close the gap faster & identify your blind spots.

In an online space that is pitting mentorship or no mentorship against each other, as someone who STILL has someone help me with my design after 5 years of studying it myself (we don’t know what we don’t know & we can’t see what we can’t see) I honestly believe there is nothing more valuable than an objective...

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Copywriting as a 5th line #business&branding #business&humandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #copythatconverts #copythatsells #copywritting #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #innovativebusiness #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness Jun 13, 2023


Successful 5th lines aren’t afraid to put in the work to provide solutions their community wants!

And, Manifestors, looking at you !  With that closed aura I recommend, even more, listening.  Get your hands dirty & ASK your community how you can serve them!

Personal brands, especially in the spiritual space, have been told for SO long just to say what you want & sell what you are passionate about that it has created two playing fields:

1 People that nail...

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Your Profile in Business Matters Most #badassbusinessleader #business&bg5 #business&branding #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #businessgrowth #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&strategy #humandesign&wealth #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness Jun 13, 2023

What will ACTUALLY get your message heard & cause your bank account to grow

Do not pass go, do not collect $200 until you are showing up through the lens of your profile lines  

One of the most powerful transformations in my business (which led to my message ACTUALLY converting & my bank account growing) was ensuring everything I did was through my profile lines.

Of course, now it comes naturally but in the beginning it was a constant reminder as I was always trying to explain...

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Copy That Sells Like Hot Cakes #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #business&branding #business&humandesign #business&strategy #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #copythatconverts #copythatsells #mindset #mindset&business #mindsetofsuccess Jun 07, 2023

Can we admit that a businesses’s purpose is to increase profit potential?

I dare you to go outside today & scream to the birds, bees, & nosey neighbour “I WANT TO BE RICH AF & I MAKE NO APOLOGIES FOR IT”.


Honestly, for accountability go scream that shit then come report back in the comments with how you felt after!

Why should you do this?

One, your stomach ulcers may heal from trying to walk the line of trying to pay your bills while either:


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Ready for my most popular Astrology guide? This one came out of the vault so that I could share it with you once again! Join THOUSANDS who have taken the dive into their Cosmic Body Blueprint!

Note: I am updating this resource to make it even more expansive.  Join the email list &  be the first to receive it!