Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Marketing Using Human Design #bg5 #bg5&business #bg5&marketing #bg5blog #generator #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesign&marketing #humandesignmanifestinggenerator #humandesignmanifestor #humandesignprojector #humandesignreflector #manifestinggenerators #manifestor #projectors #reflector #reflectorsinbusiness Sep 26, 2022

Fuck the niche is killing peoples brands.

Yep, I said it.  Even those marketing the rebel without a cause, fuck the niche, I do things my way, black sheep, never hold me down, 

Have a niche! THAT is their niche!  Back in the day when I was of the mindset of “screw the niche” I entered circles that marketed screw the niche.  

It didn’t dawn on me until I was IN them that it was the most niched niche ever.  Everyone was LIKE me.

We were all on...

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Fitness For Greater Wealth Expansion #businesscoaching #businesstips #healers #humandesign #humandesigngenerator #humandesignmanifestinggenerator #humandesignmanifestor #humandesignprojector #humandesignreflector #selfawareness #selfdevelopment #selfmade #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualentrepreneur #spiritualgangster #spirtualgrowth #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness Sep 05, 2022

If you expect yourself to operate at a high level, if you expect yourself to hold space for more…

Health & physical alignment must be a priority. 

Your body leads, and if you treat your body like a beater car you can’t expect it to perform like a Bugatti.

I was reminded of this recently. 

Going back in time a bit, first: 

My business hit a plateau exactly at the time I stopped training & stopped making my health a priority. 

I stopped being able to...

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The Not Self Manifestor #humandesignblog #humandesigncoach #humandesignmanifestor #humandesignmanifestorinbusiness Jul 17, 2021





In Business by (Human) Design Module 1 I said: The not self manifestor is like a sleek predator dressed up as someone's pet dog in a street parade.


I have worked extensively with VERY powerful successful Manifestors & helping them reclaim that sleek predator power, initiating from a place of grounded sovereignty makes the difference whether you are starting your business or looking to scale past 6 figures.


When you...

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Abundance Codes in Human Design: The G Centre #abundancecodeshumandesign #humandesignblog #humandesignchart #humandesigncoach #humandesigngenerator #humandesignmanifestinggenerator #humandesignmanifestor #humandesignprojector #humandesignreflector #manifestationblog #manifestingandhumandesign #manifestingmoneyandhumandesign #opengcentrehumandesign Oct 02, 2020
The G-Center is the Center for love, identity and direction in the chart. The G centre connects you to Higher Self, in the 5th dimensional realm and, if your mind gets out of the way!, guides you through life to experience all you were meant to experience to unleash your gifts.
The G centre is where the magic & mysticism of the bodygraph takes place. It is a key Center for creating abundance in your life, because the G-Center contains the mechanics for the Law of...
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