Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

April 8 Transits Human Design #ashleybrianaeve #businessbyhumandesign #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #humandesignegoauthority Apr 08, 2022

As always, follow strategy & authority.  Today is a very interesting energy with a Design of Moodiness & Genius to Freak!

With the Sun in 51, and Venus in detriment in 55, make sure you are not ignoring awareness at the cost of spirit.  With the adrenalized energy of the root pushing into the Solar Plexus with nowhere to go this can cause a feeling of NEEDING to act, needing to share your ideas & conceptualizations, & needing to cause shock.

We also have a...

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Aligning with Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority #environmentalauthorityhumandesign #humandesigncoaching #humandesignegoauthority #humandesignemotionalauthority #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignlunarauthority #humandesignsacralauthority #humandesignsplenicauthority #projectormentalauthority #whatdoesitmeantohavenoauthority Oct 26, 2020
Aligning With Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority
Authority is the mechanical way in which you make correct decisions from your body intelligence. It is important to understand that you cannot get to correct authority or decision making without first being correct in your aura strategy (how you are designed to meet life).
If your mind is pushing or pulling, trying to get what it thinks it wants, or reacting to pressure from others, remember: first you must go home. Home...
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