Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Manifestor (Innovator) Aura in Business #ashleybrianaeve #bg5 #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #humandesignexpert #humandesignforbeginners #manifesteraurainbusiness #manifestor #manifestor&business #manifestoraura May 18, 2022

To understand how people operate in business you must understand their aura first- the Manifestor (Innovator) does not interact.  Whereas, when the Generator steps into your aura, for example, you get everything.  When the Manifestor steps into your aura everything bounces off the dense aura.

While Human Design (BG5) provides practical solutions to resistance, and skyrocketing profit potential, and multiple clients have gone on to their FIRST $100,000 month after a 2 hour Power...

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Projectors... It gets to be EASY to be recognized! #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignprojectors human design for beginners human design projectors Jan 08, 2021
Projectors…. It gets to feel good….
It gets to be easy.
It gets to feel juicy AF…
Expansive & earth shaking.
If you don’t get tingles…
If you don’t expand at the simple thought of the invitation…
Say no.
Something better is on the way.
And by saying yes to THIS….
By settling...
You use your energy stores for something that wasn’t meant for...
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Living True to Your Design: Generators in Business #businessbyhumandesign #generatorsinbusiness #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoaching #humandesigncoaching #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignlifecoaching human design business coaching human design coach human design life coaching Nov 03, 2020
It isn’t your circumstances that determine your life, it is your decisions (Tony Robbins).
Interesting that an MG made this statement because it could NOT be more true for sacral beings. It summarizes the sacral perfectly.
The moment you give authority to your sacral, and the power of decisions in the moment for you, your life & business is transformed. The sacral is here to provide you with decision-making capacity in the moment- response by response.
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Projectors in Business: The Advisor #abundanceinbusinesshumandesign #humandesign #humandesignblog #humandesigncoach #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignprojectors #humandesigntipsforbeginners #manifestationblog #onlinebusinesscoachhumandesign #projectorlife #projectorsinbusiness #shadowsofabundancehumandesign Nov 01, 2020


PROJECTORS: Building your business true to your design.
One of my favourite parts of working with my clients is that when they are operating correctly it isn’t about making MASSIVE changes. The women in my 1:1 containers are simply making slight tweaks to their energetic approach to business/ life/ money that make a MASSIVE difference in the outcome.
For myself (although I am a Generator) those slight tweaks took me from $50 a month, struggling with a...
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Aligning with Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority #environmentalauthorityhumandesign #humandesigncoaching #humandesignegoauthority #humandesignemotionalauthority #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignlunarauthority #humandesignsacralauthority #humandesignsplenicauthority #projectormentalauthority #whatdoesitmeantohavenoauthority Oct 26, 2020
Aligning With Your Life Path: Your Inner Authority
Authority is the mechanical way in which you make correct decisions from your body intelligence. It is important to understand that you cannot get to correct authority or decision making without first being correct in your aura strategy (how you are designed to meet life).
If your mind is pushing or pulling, trying to get what it thinks it wants, or reacting to pressure from others, remember: first you must go home. Home...
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Developing Emotional Intelligence During Spiritual Growth #abundanceandhumandesign #chakraalignment #emotionalhealing #emotionalintelligence #humandesign #humandesigncoach #humandesigncoaching #humandesignforbeginners #humandesigninbusiness #humandesignonlinecoaching #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowthinbusiness #spirituality Oct 26, 2020
Can you face the lower frequencies, both in yourself & others, without feeling you are above it or you need to fix it?
(An excerpt from my upcoming book!)
Every step you take into the light you take a step into the dark. In this spiritual community we are fed a steady diet of light and ascension. However, the more light you embody the more darkness you embody. The higher we ascend the lower we descend.
A spiritual awakening is not about rising higher, it is...
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