Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog
1st: Everyone SELL. Daily. That should go without saying.
Alright, there is not ONE way to leverage your design in stories, and I help my clients have multiple fun ways to say the same things in their brand (Yes, repetition is key)..
AND this is an amazing place to start to begin generating that vibey connection that says YOU, yes you, are their person.
Generators/ MGS:
Ok, I do this ALL. THE. TIME. It isn’t a coincidence that my community is made up of animal loving,...
If I wasn’t a professional & wasn’t posting on social media I would say:
Cut that shit out. It’s fucking gross & no self respecting sacral being wants to be hired by someone advertising:
“I am only hiring someone for my (incorrect) idea that you are only good for your worker energy in my business. Expect a shit ton of work that should be given to 5 people but since the viral memes say I can’t hire the non energy types for that work & Manifestors...
If YOU aren’t convinced & don’t know why should anyone else be.
Your energy speaks before you do therefore instead of:
Generators/ MGS: Attempting to mentally figure out what you should do to “hit the next milestone”...
Projectors: Attempting to force being recognized so that people will hire you…
Manifestors: Attempting to force what your impact should be while pushing your way on others…
Reflectors: Attempting to look at what others are doing...
BIGGEST myth about Manifestors in business:
You are meant to be bouncing around between ideas/ have a ton of ideas.
Many of my 1:1 Manifestor clients find me when they have created a very successful business that they are burned out from. They were chasing every inspiration & creating products on that inspiration, most meant for them not the business.
This created a massive hamster wheel launching every month with inspiration and creativity drying up due to the constant...
You don’t play by the rules others do, due to your aura, and trying to will cause more resistance in business.
Now, your aura is NOT a weakness, it is a strength. It is simply a matter of understanding how to leverage it properly in business.
In creating examples for Innovators, my Manifestor only Mastermind, to demonstrate how the world reacts to the Manifestor & Generator, I used the example of JD & Amber Heard.
Amber, a Generator, was immediately believed...
One of the biggest areas of resistance for Manifestors in their message?
Not honouring their Projected channels.
If you are a Manifestor you have a motor connected to your throat, which means you have a lot to say…
But are you delivering static or a clear message that IMPACTS your community?
A nuance that not many people are aware of is the channel type & how that impacts the Manifestor in business.
There are 3 types of channels (Outside of circuitry):
Generated: Anything from the...
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emotional authority human design emotional wave energy feminine leadership using human design fit after 35 fitness blog fitness for women fitness inspiration g centre gate 42.3 gate 45 gate 45 human design gene keys gene keys & manifestation gene keys 40 gene keys blog gene keys coach gene keys guide gene keys venus sequence habits for success healing burnout holistic health coaching for women over 35 holistic human design how long to wait your emotional wave how to be human design human design basics human design bg5 human design bg5 consultant human design blog human design business coach human design business coaching human design centres human design certification human design coach human design colour human design courses human design daily theme human design daily transit human design for beginners human design for business human design for entrepreneurs human design for everybody human design for everyone human design generator human design generators human design in business human design inner authority human design life coaching human design manifestation human design manifestion human design manifestor human design not self human design outer authority human design profile lines human design profiles human design projector human design projectors human design reflector human design sacral authority human design spiritual coach human design variables human+design+coach intuition using splenic centre is my throat chakra blocked? law of attraction leadership leadership in human design making decisions splenic authority manifestation manifestation tips manifestationblog manifesting using human design manifestors human design meditation money and human design money magnetism and the undefined g centre money manifestation moneymindset non sacral beings human design ophiuchus parenting blog parenting by design parenting by human design penta bg5 physique competitions pluto in aquarius projector human design projector success secrets projectors human design quantum human design ra uru hu radiance gene keys relationships richard rudd richard rudd quotes self development skyrocket sales skyrocket success spartan racing specific vs non specific manifestation spiritualblog splenic authority stress relief stress tips for women the beauty myth the human design queen the solar plexus vagus nerve variables human design variables in human design vegan vegan blog vegan fitness vegan food wellness tips women's leadership womens healthAuthor
Naomi Munroe
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