Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

The Undefined Heart Centre/ Will Power & Self Worth in Human Design #undefinedego Jul 25, 2024


To quote Beauty & The Beast, is this not “the story as old as time”.  Who amongst us hasn’t felt the weight of the world on our chest as we desperately try to prove ourselves to our parents, teachers, coaches, mentors, and even ourselves.  Who hasn’t desperately gripped for control (Gate 21) as we feel if only we can control the circumstances we can control the outcome.  While the defined heart centre (called will power in BG5)  is not...

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"I need to prove myself" The Not Self of the Undefined Ego #ashleybrianaeve #badassbusinessbabe #businessbyhumandesign #businessgrowth #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #spiritualawakening #thenotselfhumandesign #undefinedego #womenempowerment Mar 25, 2022

“I need to prove myself”, “I’m not enough until ___/ yet” is a very common voice of the not self undefined ego,.

Now, it isn’t only the undefined ego where beliefs surrounding this can creep up; add a not self ego to a 1st line profile & you have a recipe for the mind to play games that keep you directly where you are based on conditioning around needing to prove yourself before you can step out into your TRUE soul work.  Now, as Ra said...

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