The Radical Happiness Movement
 Your business, your life, your unique wiring—it’s all connected. Dive into bold ideas, actionable strategies, and grounded guidance to help you align with your next chapter and thrive.
I have to admit something & it may piss you off (And still stick around & read until the end because the end is the best part):
I do NOT think it is cute or heart led to treat your business like a hobby & be bashful about sales.
It does not make someone a better person than the person selling daily.
It does not make someone more spiritual to struggle & continually pump out free content that doesn’t move the business anywhere.
If you don’t want to make money...
Lowering your prices to be “affordable” or because you don’t want to leave anyone behind is a sure fire way to increase problems in your business, end up with unaligned clients, & begin to resent showing up.
Ultimately: Pricing based on the not self ends in disaster…
You know what I am talking about:
I don’t want to trigger anyone with my prices. (Not self undefined solar plexus)
I need to prove myself before I can charge what I really want...
IMPORTANT As long as you IDENTIFY with the not self, and what you are taking in, you cannot be WISE on that energy & therefore create resistance in business.
It is never a problem that you take in others' energy through your openness. The problem is that you IDENTIFY with it. Ra said he believed the openness amplifies energy at 200% so that we KNOW it is not ours…
If you have spent your entire life creating an identity, beliefs, habits, & behaviours around...
The answer was always YOU being more of YOU.
Drawing your line in the sand & being your next level MF you NOW. It really is simple AND, unleashing all of you, the fullness of you, the take it or leave it allness of you, is also the one thing holding you back from money flow.
And sure, you could heal more of your inner child, learn more about your Human Design, memorize more about your Gene Keys, have 5 more people look into your Akashic records, do more somatic...
Leveraging YOUR strengths in small & large groups isn’t just important for interactions as a business owner but also for building your team. Having a team that compliments each other & “fills the gaps” of each member sets the team AND business up for success (with reduced turnover).
A question came up today in a training in The Sacral Yes around what type of assimilations (definitions) are best working together. As is the case with everything the answer...
Wealth will expand to meet the size of your mission & support you in carrying out your vision.
Today I stopped by the tack store to pick up a few supplements for the horses this month. Their supplements total about $1, 200 monthly alone. As I stacked arm full after arm full on the counter it reminded me of a (true) joke in the horse community:
Horses' bills expand to the size of your budget.
It got me thinking about business & the co-creative process we enter in with...
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quantum human design ra uru hu radiance gene keys relationships richard rudd richard rudd quotes self development skyrocket sales skyrocket success spartan racing specific vs non specific manifestation spiritualblog splenic authority stress relief stress tips for women the beauty myth the human design queen the solar plexus vagus nerve variables human design variables in human design vegan vegan blog vegan fitness vegan food wellness tips women's leadership womens healthAuthor

Bronwyn McKenna
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