Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Building a Business by Human Design #ashleybrianaeve #bossbabe #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #feminineenergy #femininespirituality #freedom #humandesign #humandesignblog #spiritualblog #spiritualbossbabe Mar 03, 2022


Your worth is not determined by how much you make monthly.

Your business is not an extension of you.

Your business is not meant to entertain you (although it will have to when you are always IN it & don’t have time for hobbies).

In 2020 I lost sight of that & my business became my baby,

And quite frankly my life.

I was addicted to the adrenaline highs, chasing impact & income that others around me were making.

And the loop became: Because of...

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