Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Projectors in Business: The Advisor #abundanceinbusinesshumandesign #humandesign #humandesignblog #humandesigncoach #humandesignforbeginners #humandesignprojectors #humandesigntipsforbeginners #manifestationblog #onlinebusinesscoachhumandesign #projectorlife #projectorsinbusiness #shadowsofabundancehumandesign Nov 01, 2020


PROJECTORS: Building your business true to your design.
One of my favourite parts of working with my clients is that when they are operating correctly it isn’t about making MASSIVE changes. The women in my 1:1 containers are simply making slight tweaks to their energetic approach to business/ life/ money that make a MASSIVE difference in the outcome.
For myself (although I am a Generator) those slight tweaks took me from $50 a month, struggling with a...
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