Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

ASCENSION NOW: The 12 Strands of Holographic DNA #12strandsofdna #ascension #multidimensionaldna #multidimensionalenergyhealing #spiritjunkie #spiritualbossbabeblog #spiritualgrowth Sep 30, 2020
The 12 Strands of Holographic DNA 👽
As I have said over and over again in my energy reports leading up to this week, including the one for this week ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O-Mnn2muoQ&t=7s ) it is time to pull your big girl panties up! It is either IN or OUT right now.
Let's chat DNA and what is happening at our DNA level right now!
The two primary strands of DNA that we are familiar with exist in all living things, but Russian scientists have proven...
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