Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Wake the Witch Within #cosmicwitch #humandesignblog #manifestationblog #typesofwitches #wakethewitches #witch #witchblog Jun 09, 2021

Creating the life of your dreams…

Standing strong with the warrior backbone & rooted in your sovereignty,

Takes energy.

It takes strength.

It takes courage.


There is nothing more REBELLIOUS in this life than to be fully planted, rooted & grounded in YOUR untamed, unfiltered, unapologetic truth.


And the reality is that most women that came here with a big purpose…

With a destiny…


Grid workers….



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PLUTO SQUARES BLACK MOON LILITH IN PREP FOR FULL MOON! #astrology #blackmoonlilith #blackmoonlilithsquarespluto #divinefeminine #fullmoon #horoscopeseptember30 #witchblog Sep 30, 2020
🐺 My girl, Lilith, causing a ruckus on my birthday! I wouldn't have it any other way! 🐺
Moon is finishing these last few degrees before moving in to Aries to meet with Chiron for the full moon tomorrow. We already have Mars retrograde 25 degrees squaring to Saturn… Which is going to be a bit of a crazy energy coming into the full moon!
Today there can be a lot of confusion about what timeline you are meant to be on. You may...
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