Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Is Specific vs Non Specific Manifestation Real? #manifestation human design human design bg5 variables human design Apr 13, 2023

There is a lot of talk about specific vs non specific manifestation in the online “Human Design” spaces.  Yet, is it real?


The short answer is: No.


Let’s dive in to the 4 transformations, also known as variables.


Where do the Four Transformations come from?



Beneath the hexagram lines of your Personality and Design Sun and Earth, there are three values named Color, Tone, and Base. Color is the exit frequency of the neutrino’s...

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The Not Self Mind in Human Design conditioning human design ra uru hu Apr 12, 2023

What exactly is the Not-Self according to Human Design? Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. 


It simply is. It is something that we live with, that we co-exist with. It is a part of us. There is no transcendence above or beyond the conditioning & not self mind.  As Ra would say: “The mind does what it does”.


The term “Not-Self” is just a term that is used to describe the part of us that the mind falsely identifies as...

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Relating With Awareness in Business & Partnerships (Bg5/ Human Design) bg5 human design penta bg5 women's leadership Apr 15, 2022

In this article we'll be taking a look at relating with awareness. 



Functional relationships are at the core of what makes businesses & partnerships work and what allows us to thrive within teams, businesses, & organizations. 

What Human Design & BG5 opens us up to is relating with awareness, which is an understanding of the unspoken energy dynamics on a given team or partnership.  While I do not believe certain dynamics fundamentally means a...

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Making Money Using Your Human Design business by human design human design money and human design Feb 21, 2022

Ra Uru Hu said: “One of the things that is so interesting for me about doing the business side of the knowledge that I received is, in a sort of comical way, this is the black side to the Human Design white side. The goal here isn’t to wake people up. The goal here isn't for them to recognize that they are not-self. The goal here is not to transform them in terms of what we understand as a mystical or esoteric or whatever spiritual transformation. That is not the business here....

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The BEST Hack to Embody Your Human Design bg5 business by human design embodying your human design human design Feb 20, 2022

Are you ready to Leverage your Human Design to sales?

1)Make sure to jump into my FREE 3 day event, happening the 21st, 22nd, & 23rd (link in bio).


2)Change in your business has very little to do with what you are doing- it comes from who you are being.


The reality is that even your fitness comes down to who you are being, before you even start.


For example, do your current identities & beliefs look like:


I am someone who hates eating healthy.

I am...

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Applying Human Design to Life & Business human design human design in business human design not self Feb 20, 2022

As Human Design gets more popular & twisted into something it was never meant to be it is critical for everyone to check in with themselves & their inner authority.  Ra was very clear:  No one is your authority, including Human Design. He further called out how quickly people were willing to give AWAY their inner authority, including to Human Design.


Human Design, and YOU, are much more nuanced than anything that can be described through a bodygraph, or frankly, any...

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