Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Projector Empowerment: Mother Archetypal Work for Projectors archetypal mother work business by human design human design for everybody human design projectors Feb 28, 2022

Where Do You Put Your Attention? 

So, the question comes down to: Where do you put your attention? 

Of course, this goes back to what is the whole basis of Human Design. That is, are you going to be operating out of your mind? If you’re operating out of your mind, you’re out of your mind & you are lost in your mental drama. It’s just what’s going to happen. From here you don’t know what way is up or down & end up with fragmented energy searching...

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Are you a ‘Specific’ or ‘Non-Specific’ Manifestor? human design human design for everybody human design manifestion human design variables quantum human design specific vs non specific manifestation Nov 19, 2021

In all my professional studies, and in all my conversations with students of Ra, this concept never came up…

In fact, it isn’t a Human Design concept at all…

And while it may seem harmless enough the problem is it is actually the complete opposite of the foundational principle of Human Design.

Look, if you want to believe it, I am not here to argue so believe what you want..

It doesn’t make it true.


I am all for people making their own systems, I love Gene...

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