The Radical Happiness Movement


 Your business, your life, your unique wiring—it’s all connected. Dive into bold ideas, actionable strategies, and grounded guidance to help you align with your next chapter and thrive.

ADHD + Human Design: The Root Centre & ADHD Paralysis #adhd #adhdhumandesign #humandesign #rootcentrehumandesign May 22, 2024

As ADHD’ers we are all too familiar with the “ADHD Paralysis”.  Our brain can find tasks like complex projects or deciding between too many choices overwhelming, which often leads to getting distracted or finding ourselves avoiding the task altogether.

I don’t know about you but this expresses itself much more profoundly for me when I am already stressed in other areas of life.  I will maybe write a few lines of a blog, wander, get distracted by the horses...

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The Positive Value of the Not Self (Human Design/ BG5) #bg5 #humandesign #notselfhumandesign Feb 19, 2024

“Your best bet for success lies in building on who you already are, not trying to become someone you’re not.” ~Ashley Briana Eve


The Positive Value of the Not Self

As a BG5 Business Consultant my job is not helping clients with spiritual awakening.  BG5, Ra Uru Hu’s business application of the Human Design System, is in the business of solving problems to increase profit potential.

Ra Uru Hu said: “They're interested in you because they have a...

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The Passenger In Human Design #humandesign #passengerconsciousness Jan 14, 2024

“To break through that, it’s not enough to say “Ok, follow your strategy, honour your inner authority.” You can’t imagine, well, I guess you can because most of you have heard it, I say this endlessly, it is my “take two aspirins and go to bed,” over and over and over again, but it’s not enough when it comes to any attempt to awaken the passenger. “ ~ Ra Uru Hu


As Ra said, you can follow your design and have the serendipity that...

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The Illusion of The Maya Human Design #humandesign #rauruhuquotes Jan 07, 2024

Who we think we are is an illusion. 


“When you say to the personality, “honor your authority, honor your strategy,” the personality says, “Is this a rule? All right, I’ll try it.” It doesn’t change anything. 

I know people who have experimented with Human Design, their design, deeply. Not all of them see differently while they’re in that process. Not all of them do. The passenger is such a complex thing and so fragile. And the...

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BG5 Business Cycles & Your Personal Brand #bg5businessconsultant #brandinginbusiness #creatingapersonalbrand #humandesign Aug 19, 2023

Does your brand positioning, and how people are meant to see you, change over time?


The answer is YES.  While your bodygraph (or as we call it in BG5 Success Codes) do not change over the years the themes you will experience, and the way you are meant to be seen within your industry WILL shift with each milestone. 


There are two ways to view cycles in your business:


The Annual Cycle:


In the Annual Cycle we focus on the challenges – the challenges of...

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Environment (BG5) In Business #bg5 #bg5&business #bg5&humandesign #bg5&marketing #bg5&wealth #bg5blog #bg5consultant #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog Jul 24, 2023

Should you change your pathway based on your environment?

First, absolutely not in isolation.

What do I mean by that?

Well, look at Taylor Swift.  Can you imagine if someone like her decided NOT to be a music star because her bodygraph said she should work solo or in partnership?


We could look at a projector like this, for example, as someone that works best with an assistant (partnership) who then deals with the rest of the team.

We could also look at this as someone who does...

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