Reclaiming Self: A Blog for Women on the Path to Inner Freedom

Dive into stories and wisdom that guide you from burnout to grounded, purposeful living.
Shedding the Snake Skin #genekeys #genekeysblog #humandesign #humandesignblog #inneralignment #innerauthority #innovators #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #rebirth #rebirth&business #revolution #revolutionaryleader #rewildingwomen #sheddingthesnakeskin #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog #spiritualbossbabe #spiritualbusiness #wildfemme #wildwoman #wildwomansisterhood Nov 15, 2022

You were never meant to stay the same, yet conditioning tells you that pivots, shifts, complete transformations are “wrong”.  We battle against the inner call for something bigger, brighter, more US, and the conditioning that tells us we must not change.

It isn’t because you are a non-energy type or certain type of design that leaves you exhausted, it is the soul sucking back & forth within that has you within its grasp.

This world has paved over the wild both...

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Unleash Your Wild, Woman #astrologyblog #lightworkers #retrograde #rewildingforlightworkers #rewildingforwomen #rewildingwomen #wildwomanquotes #wildwomansisterhood Sep 28, 2020
This paradigm is not meant for you.
The current little entrepreneur box was never meant to contain your soul purpose and mission here on Earth.
While I am tempted to try and give you a fancy title of what I do, and I sat staring at my computer for 45 long bloody minutes yesterday trying to write a media bio for some podcasts I was interviewed on, let's just say I am an Astrologer, Rewilding Guide, divine feminine witch, asskickery coach for women building 6+ figure soul...
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The POWER of a Pivot #healthandfitnessblog #manifestationblog #rewildingwomen #spiritualbossbabe #spiritualentrepeneurblog #wildwomansisterhood Aug 31, 2020


What is your first reaction to a pivot? I know how most see it because I have coached hundreds of women through it.
Whether consciously or unconsciously we have negative connections to a pivot. The worry about people judging us, the worry about “losing” people, the worry about “losing” all our hard work so far and having to start over….
What if we look at a pivot for what it really was? Embodying more of your...
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Join the Bone Cave: A sanctuary for the journey within


Step off the self-improvement treadmill and root into the wisdom of who you are.

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This is more than a list; it’s a community of women embracing true empowerment.