Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Environment (BG5) In Business #bg5 #bg5&business #bg5&humandesign #bg5&marketing #bg5&wealth #bg5blog #bg5consultant #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog Jul 24, 2023

Should you change your pathway based on your environment?

First, absolutely not in isolation.

What do I mean by that?

Well, look at Taylor Swift.  Can you imagine if someone like her decided NOT to be a music star because her bodygraph said she should work solo or in partnership?


We could look at a projector like this, for example, as someone that works best with an assistant (partnership) who then deals with the rest of the team.

We could also look at this as someone who does...

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What Makes A Brand #branding&business #brandsthatinnovate #business&branding #business&humandesign #humandesign #humandesign&branding #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #innovativebranding #innovativebusiness Jul 10, 2023

My clients that GET this blow up in their niche…

The clients that don’t….

Well, I don’t work with clients that don’t anymore because I just don’t believe in broad, vague messaging.

Changing platforms won’t save your brand if you don’t have a message worth stopping for & offers people want. 

In a time where distractions are high focus on this:

What is your business owners intent?  Build out from there.

What is your priority now,...

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6th Line Copywriting Dangers #copythatconverts #copythatsells #copywritting #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&branding #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&strategy #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #innovatorsinbusiness #skyrocketingsales #skyrocketprofits #skyrocketsales&humandesign Jun 29, 2023

Your lack of clarity hidden behind the veil of “my message is just ahead of its time” will cause problems in conversion.

I have many 6th line clients (being a 4/6 myself there are harmonics with the 6)…

AND I often hear “My message is ahead of its time, I just need to be patient for people to catch up”.

You are building a business….

While you are over here waiting for lightning to strike & people to be able to tap into your vision that you...

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Copywriting as a 3rd Line (Human Design) #business&branding #business&humandesign #business&strategy #businessbyhumandesign #businessgrowth #copythatconverts #copythatsells #copywritting #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&branding #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing Jun 29, 2023

Sharing trial & error just isn’t enough!

In fact, a 3rd line can become real cringey real fast if there is a lot of trial & error shared without the:

  1. Relevance.  Not just to your brand but to the transformation you provide.  What is the INTENTION of sharing said trial & error?  

For reals tho.  You don’t want your audience to feel bad for you in consuming your content AND not all of your trial & error has relevance to your brand.

  1. Why...
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Public Role (Profile) and Positioning in Business #bg5 #bg5&business #bg5&humandesign #bg5&marketing #bg5&wealth #bg5blog #bg5consultant #business&bg5 #business&humandesign #businessbyhumandesign #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesignblog Jun 14, 2023

Profile & positioning is a nuance that creates MASSIVE impact in your business!

When I help clients with brand positioning it is a strategic exercise we use to establish the image of a brand or product in a consumer's mind.

Profile (Public Role) is how people are energetically meant to see you.

When we combine business strategy with BG5 we create results on steroids ‍

Using myself as an example (4/6):

The 4 externalizes wisdom lines 1, 2, & 3 have developed.  

I am...

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Copywriting as a 5th line #business&branding #business&humandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #copythatconverts #copythatsells #copywritting #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #innovativebusiness #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness Jun 13, 2023


Successful 5th lines aren’t afraid to put in the work to provide solutions their community wants!

And, Manifestors, looking at you !  With that closed aura I recommend, even more, listening.  Get your hands dirty & ASK your community how you can serve them!

Personal brands, especially in the spiritual space, have been told for SO long just to say what you want & sell what you are passionate about that it has created two playing fields:

1 People that nail...

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