Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Marketing Using Human Design #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #innovativebusiness #innovativebusinessleader #innovativemarketing #innovatorinbusiness #innovators #leadersinbusiness #leadersinnovate #marketing&humandesign #marketingwithhumandesign #marketingyourbusiness #marketingyouronlinebusiness #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment Oct 19, 2022

Brands innovate through a movement they create in their marketing.

Businesses respond to the market & create…. Continuously behind the innovators.

Building your brand clarity is key, especially in the beginning.  People need to know what MOVEMENT they are joining by saying yes to you.

Years ago I said “You are the niche”, before it was the cool thing to say.  I then started leading a movement of YOU being the brand.

And if we are in the fish bowl of the...

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