Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Generators Aren’t Your Worker Bee #humandesign #humandesign&manifestors #humandesignblog #manifestor #manifestor&business #manifestoraura #manifestoraurainbusiness #manifestorblog #manifestorlife #manifestors #manifestors&humandesign #rebelsoulleaders #sacral&humandesign #sacralauthority #sacralyes #sacredrebel Jan 30, 2023

If I wasn’t a professional & wasn’t posting on social media I would say:

Cut that shit out. It’s fucking gross & no self respecting sacral being wants to be hired by someone advertising:

“I am only hiring someone for my (incorrect) idea that you are only good for your worker energy in my business. Expect a shit ton of work that should be given to 5 people but since the viral memes say I can’t hire the non energy types for that work & Manifestors...

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Your Inner Authority is Not Emotional #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #alignment #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&genekeys #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignblog #inneralignment #innerauthority #innovators #lightworker #lightworkers #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #rebirth #rebirth&business #sacral&humandesign #sacralauthority #sacralyes #sacredfeminine #sacredrebel #soulalignedbusiness #soulembodiment #soulwork Nov 22, 2022

Your monkey mind is an asshole & has no idea how to follow strategy & authority…

It thinks you don’t know enough, that you need to know more before ___, that you just need to prove yourself or know the right direction, it whispers at you to be careful you don’t trigger others emotional waves, to think about things that don’t matter, to be certain about things, hold on to things that are no longer good…

And like the devil on your shoulder it will...

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Wealth Energetics are Your Energetics #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #energetics #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #sacralyes #sacredrebel #spiritualblog #spiritualbossbabe #spiritualbusiness #spiritualentrepreneurblog #spiritualgrowth #spiritualgrowthinbusiness #spirituality #wealthenergetics #wealthmindset Aug 24, 2022

The one thing I rejected in my business for so long was the one thing I deeply desired….

Structure & predictability.

When I first started out in business I started in the strategy only world.  I rejected that after deciding it was too “hard” & “overwhelming” (Really, my attachment style to my business was a hot mess & it had nothing to do with the strategy).  

I then went allllllll the way over to the energy only space.

And sure, my...

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THE SECRET TO LEVERAGING YOUR DESIGN IN BUSINESS #businessbyhumandesign #embodiedbusiness #embodiedleadership #embodiment #embodyingyourhumandesign #empoweringwomenblog #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&relationships #humandesign2027 #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesignbusinesscoaching #humandesignchart #humandesigncoach #humandesigncoachforwomen #sacral&humandesign #sacralyes #sacredfeminine #sacredrebel Aug 01, 2022

I got caught up in the “ease & calibration” world years ago.  The more I “calibrated” & the more I tried to have more “ease” the more resistance I hit.  The more “shoulds” I layered on myself & my business:

“A good feminine flow entrepreneur-bot should __” (Be more in my feminine, receive more, take more bubble baths, be more spiritual, not use “the old way” of business, etc etc).

And because I was...

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Healing the Manifestor Attachment Trauma #alignedaction #alignedstrategy #healingthemanifestor #healingthenotself #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&relationships #humandesignblog #humandesignmanifestorinbusiness #manifestor #manifestorblog #manifestorlife #sacral&humandesign #sacralyes #thesacralyes Jul 15, 2022

Healing the Manifestor Attachment Trauma

After working with thousands of clients using Human Design, and everyone from families, children, youth, & adults within the mental health field as a counsellor I am really excited to finally be merging the two online.  This has been something I have been working on behind the scenes for some time to bring to life.

The major issue I have witnessed over & over again within the Human Design field is attempting to place more knowledge...

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Aligned Action is What Provides Results #alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #crossfit #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #sacral&humandesign #sacralyes #sacredfeminine #sacredrebel #strategy&authority Jul 11, 2022

What is keeping you where you are is not the fact you need MORE information.

What is keeping you where you are is that you are not taking aligned action with the information you have now,

With what your inner authority is responding to NOW.

I was thinking about this today.

I signed up with one of the top CrossFit coaches to get back into competitive shape & just equipped our home gym (Garage & basement!) with all the bells & whistles to get back to the shape I need to be in.


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