Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Manifestion & Human Design: Beyond Specific Vs Non Specific Manifesting #abundancecodeshumandesign #blackmoonlilithin10thhouse #howtomanifestwithhumandesign #humandesign #humandesignblog #manifestation #moonin10thhouse #natalchartreading #specificvsnonspecificmanifestor Oct 15, 2020

You come with a LITERAL blueprint within you.  Wealth codes.  Success codes.  Pathways to unlimited joy, abundance, bliss, ease, flow…

That is all your natural state and you came with a cosmic blueprint, in your natal chart & bodygraph, on how to decipher it!


However, I have said over and over again with my clients…


You can’t make determinations, or even understand something like wealth, just using one piece of the chart, or even just Human...

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