Elite Human Design ConsultingBlog

Saturn in the Bodygraph #ashleybrianaeve #ashleyeve #astrologer #astrology #astrologyblog #bodygraph #humandesign #humandesign&generators #humandesign&manifestinggenerators #humandesign&manifestors #humandesign&projectors #humandesign&reflectors #humandesignblog #humandesignchart #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #spiritjunkie #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog #spiritualentrepreneur #spiritualrebel Oct 19, 2022

Ready for a signpost in your bodygraph that will BLOW your mind?

We all know the signposts of the not self & the true self.

The signposts of the not self:

Anger- Manifestor

Frustration- Generators

Disappointment- Reflectors

Bitterness- Projectors

Then the signposts of the true self:

Peace (As an expression of spirit)- Manifestors

Satisfaction (Due to energy being used properly)- Generators

Success (From guiding the right people in their mastery)- Projectors

Surprise (As an expression of...

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Pluto Direct in Capricorn, October 2020 #astrologer #horoscopeforplutodirect #humandesignblog #humandesigncoach #humandesigngate48 #manifestationblog #plutodirectincapricorn #plutoincapricorn Oct 05, 2020
As within, so without….
Pluto now direct in Capricorn as of October 4th!
Though it will head right into conflict with Mars in Aries, in the bigger picture this can only be good and we are only moving forward from here!
Since Pluto went retrograde on April 25, 2020 we bowed to the energy of decay, transformation, death and truth. We were sent inwards to deal with our underworld and things we don’t like to face.
We were forced to come...
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