Reclaiming Self: A Blog for Women on the Path to Inner Freedom
Dive into stories and wisdom that guide you from burnout to grounded, purposeful living.
I can nearly guarantee….
That where you are censoring yourself the MOST is where you are the most YOU.
You want to be seen as caring.
You don’t want the cancel mob to come for you.
You don’t want to hurt feelings.
You want to appeal to more people.
You _____.
We have a lot of stories that support our self sabotage & shadow patterns. And a lot of them sound like really fucking fantastic ideas…
YET to have influence over others you must FIRST...
Energy wants to flow in your bodygraph (including wealth!), it NEEDS to flow in your bodygraph.
The trick is:
You CANNOT receive what you are meant to receive if you are trying to figure it out. You simply can’t. The overthinking, overdoing, forcing, & contriving is cock blocking you from exactly what is trying to come through…
Blocking you from exactly what is available NOW.
If you are fixated on what your mind thinks you have to do & how life HAS...
The one thing I rejected in my business for so long was the one thing I deeply desired….
Structure & predictability.
When I first started out in business I started in the strategy only world. I rejected that after deciding it was too “hard” & “overwhelming” (Really, my attachment style to my business was a hot mess & it had nothing to do with the strategy).
I then went allllllll the way over to the energy only space.
And sure, my...
“Ad’s & paid traffic simply aren’t converting like they used to”…
Or at the very least cost to ACTUALLY see a ROI are skyrocketing.
I truly believe that this is because we are experiencing a new business model entering the world – one based on the knowledge of fractal dynamics. And we can fight it, we can pretend it isn’t true, yet the frequency of Earth is literally changing & shifting so that fractal dynamics & impact is...
As a Certified Gene Keys Guide & Chinese I’Ching devotee, I was called to bring forward today’s energy in a different way- through Gene Keys & the Chinese I’Ching.
Human Design incorporates the Chinese I’Ching in one of its translations. I study the truest translation available, on top of my studies within Human Design & Gene Keys. While I appreciate & honour both Ra Uru Hu & Richard Rudd’s unique lens on the I’Ching I truly...
Is an inside job that YOU must rise into.
Lead yourself into.
Follow up to my post on “Avoider Attachment Type” with money:
I believe that to truly be wealthy AND fulfilled it is a body job, nervous system job, AS WELL AS:
Embodying your Human Design
A mindset
Diet (nutrient deficiencies are linked to many things we term mental illness)
Emotional intelligence
All the things.
Holistic wealth.
Holistically thriving.
I am always cautious of any...
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design emotional wave energy feminine leadership using human design fit after 35 fitness blog fitness for women fitness inspiration g centre gate 42.3 gate 45 gate 45 human design gene keys gene keys & manifestation gene keys 40 gene keys blog gene keys coach gene keys guide gene keys venus sequence habits for success healing burnout holistic human design how long to wait your emotional wave how to be human design human design basics human design bg5 human design bg5 consultant human design blog human design business coach human design business coaching human design centres human design certification human design coach human design colour human design courses human design daily theme human design daily transit human design for beginners human design for business human design for entrepreneurs human design for everybody human design for everyone human design generator human design generators human design in business human design inner authority human design life coaching human design 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rudd richard rudd quotes self development skyrocket sales skyrocket success spartan racing specific vs non specific manifestation spiritualblog splenic authority the beauty myth the human design queen the solar plexus vagus nerve variables human design variables in human design vegan vegan blog vegan fitness vegan food wellness tips women's leadership womens healthAuthor
Bronwyn McKenna
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