Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog
2023 has been a year of working with primarily Projectors, with running the Projector type specific mastermind once already, and starting another round on Monday (tomorrow).
One of the first pieces of advice I give to all my Projector clients is putting blinders on. “Muting” or deleting anyone from social media that makes you feel like you “should” be something you aren’t.
Projectors, contrary to popular social media belief, CAN work very hard. And no, that...
Projectors, nothing will change if nothing changes.
Continuing on the hamster wheel churning out products or offers will not sustain your energy long term; it will simply burn you out.
If you are feeling unaligned in your business model we have your back.
The 2023 cohorts of the type specific masterminds begin with you.
2023 is:
Elevated Brand Authority: Projectors.
The sales page is sleek, sexy, simple.
I look forward to serving you in 2023 in creating an iconic brand...
"The Aura IS you." Ra Uru Hu
Projectors have a Dilemma
"The dilemma for the Projector is that because the Projector is new on this plane as a form type, they have a lot to learn. Having a lot to learn is a big story. It's a very big story.
This is the whole pressure now that is on Projectors that if they're not prepared, if they don't have the knowledge that is necessary for them, that they get steamrolled. They get rolled over by the energy forces that they've emerged out of. It’s...
“You are just acting like a conditioned Generator”...
One of those bumper sticker philosophies that take the internet by storm that SOUNDS very true yet very rarely is it that simple.
Most of the time the “expert” saying it doesn’t know exactly what they mean, and can’t break it down as they aren’t trained in the mechanics, so they are creating conditioning in clients/ community that just creates MORE stuckness & resistance in...
I meet a lot of STUCK AF Projectors & Reflectors (Well, all designs have this problem but each design for a different reason)
Waiting does not mean doing nothing!
I have been saying this for some time, and I will continue saying it, ESPECIALLY since the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is going to burn down all of the selling of fantasies:
You cannot just lean back & expect to build an empire or scale a business past 50K months.
The designs this rhetoric is the...
It isn’t the “void” or lack of energy if you know what to do, you just aren’t doing it.
The first thing to know is that Human Design is NOT a business tool. So bumper sticker slogans that have been making the rounds on the internet & applied to business are NOT generally true. Ra created BG5 specifically for the business application, therefore a lot of things that apply to spiritual awakening don’t apply to increasing profit potential (aka making...
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emotional authority human design emotional wave energy feminine leadership using human design fit after 35 fitness blog fitness for women fitness inspiration g centre gate 42.3 gate 45 gate 45 human design gene keys gene keys & manifestation gene keys 40 gene keys blog gene keys coach gene keys guide gene keys venus sequence habits for success healing burnout holistic health coaching for women over 35 holistic human design how long to wait your emotional wave how to be human design human design basics human design bg5 human design bg5 consultant human design blog human design business coach human design business coaching human design centres human design certification human design coach human design colour human design courses human design daily theme human design daily transit human design for beginners human design for business human design for entrepreneurs human design for everybody human design for everyone human design generator human design generators human design in business human design inner authority human design life coaching human design manifestation human design manifestion human design manifestor human design not self human design outer authority human design profile lines human design profiles human design projector human design projectors human design reflector human design sacral authority human design spiritual coach human design variables human+design+coach intuition using splenic centre is my throat chakra blocked? law of attraction leadership leadership in human design making decisions splenic authority manifestation manifestation tips manifestationblog manifesting using human design manifestors human design meditation money and human design money magnetism and the undefined g centre money manifestation moneymindset non sacral beings human design ophiuchus parenting blog parenting by design parenting by human design penta bg5 physique competitions pluto in aquarius projector human design projector success secrets projectors human design quantum human design ra uru hu radiance gene keys relationships richard rudd richard rudd quotes self development skyrocket sales skyrocket success spartan racing specific vs non specific manifestation spiritualblog splenic authority stress relief stress tips for women the beauty myth the human design queen the solar plexus vagus nerve variables human design variables in human design vegan vegan blog vegan fitness vegan food wellness tips women's leadership womens healthAuthor

Naomi Munroe
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