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Following Your Higher Purpose

#alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #bg5 #embodiedbusiness #embodiedleadership #embodiment #followyourdesires #followyourhigherpurpose #followyourstrategy #genekeys #higherpurpose #humandesign #rebel #rebelsoulleaders #rebirth #rebirth&business #sacral&humandesign #sacralauthority #sacredrebel #transcendingsuccess #transformation Nov 22, 2022

What you long for requires transformation.  It requires asking yourself “who do I need to BE to bring this forth in the world?”.

Yet, this is developed within.  It requires tearing up the concrete paved over your wild nature.  Demolishing the traps & cages set up in your mind that tell you that you must stay the same & never change.

It requires embodying the future you long for + embodying the self that is capable of delivering it.

Life is simply waiting to move through you.  Miracles are waiting to be born within you.

The only thing standing in your way is you.  Sacrificing who you are + your truth to fit in, to meet the “good girl” standards, to get recognition or likes, to avoid triggering others waves.

Developing the warrior backbone allows you to ground deeper into who you have always been + what you were always meant to bring forth from your depths.

Your purpose cannot be brought forward through pleasing others.  It cannot be born by pushing, driving, & trying to prove your worth.

You were never meant to stay the same, and I know you feel it in your bones.  The yearning, the aching to evolve.  The battering of your wings against the cocoon.  The exhaustion from pushing against a force that is asking you to yield.

It is all waiting.



A breath away.

You simply have to release your grip & begin to swim.






P.S- There have been a lot of people reaching out in regards to my Starseed DNA Akashic Activation Calls.  They weave Human Design, Gene Keys, + Intuitive Astrology.  They are now offered again on my website.  If you have been feeling the call to step into your power, activate your multidimensional self, remember why you are here… These calls are for you.  As well, I have a very special offer where you receive 1 Human Design Foundation Call, 1 Gene Keys Foundation Call, + 1 week of Voxer access!  This is also available now on my website.  You can sub one of those calls for the Starseed Activation, if you desire.✨🦅

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