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The Dilemma of Red

#ashleybrianaeve #buildinganonlinebusiness #businessbyhumandesign #businessleader #embodyingyourhumandesign #genekeysblog #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #humandesignexpert Apr 18, 2022

Human Design holds many binaries & dilemmas for us, one of which being the red (unconscious) & black (conscious). As an example of how this dilemma may play out for someone, let's look at my bodygraph:

My cross is entirely collective, including the channel of judgement.  One of my channels (Genius to Freak) is an unconscious individual circuitry.

The collective & individual circuitries by nature have opposing goals.  The collective is here to look at the past & future; to establish new rules. Individual circuitry threatens rules because there are no rules in the now. The moment you establish something in the now & try to hold on to it you are either projecting into the future or remembering the past- none of this is individual.

Therefore 70% of my design (Sun & Earth make up 70% of your blueprint) says: "We need to establish rules, we need to learn from the past & create a new future" while my unconscious MIND says " We are here to break the rules & live in the now"..

This can create inner turmoil, guilt, shame, etc for people when they feel as though there are "parts" of them not "agreeing" and it can therefore lead to not self decisions or pivots in life/ business which actually are not in alignment but trying to resolve the underlying discomfort & dilemma.

Bringing awareness to this helps you understand what is happening below conscious awareness & it allows you to operate as you were always meant to rather than trying to fix something about yourself, or hold guilt about something, that was always simply how you were designed.

We all have binaries within our design.  We all hold dilemmas within our design.  In fact, your profile itself is the forced marriage of two completely different profiles, 88 days prior to birth and moment of birth, held together in the illusion of separation.

This isn’t something that “parts integration” from NLP can “fix” as there is nothing to fix.  Deconditioning from everything that is not yours, returning to everything that was always yours, and once again becoming your own authority is a powerful process.  Not only is it a powerful process but as you go it really becomes illuminated how much you DIDN’T know, even about yourself.

I am opening a new 6 month coaching offer for those that are desiring to go on DEEP deconditioning & embodiment.  This container does NOT have a business goal, although business of course will come up as I primarily work with spiritual entrepreneurs.  The goal of this container will be to go through a very deep deconditioning & coming home to your unique individuated design & process.  This was originally born from speaking to, and working with, so many entrepreneurs feeling they need to decondition from the “gurus” & coaching space itself.  This offer will include high level Human Design, so I do recommend at least a foundational knowledge so we can build on that, Gene Keys, & Positive Psychology.

More details coming soon!



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