The Blog

Marketing Based on Human Design

#ashleybrianaeve #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #businesstips #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach Mar 28, 2022

What it's all about...


Accessing YOUR next NEXT level, the place of self-transcendence, a life beyond the hamster wheel…

Is ❌NOT❌ about:

🛑 Pricing right for their industry- either luxury because the IT guru does or low because you think that’s “all you can get”.

🛑 Having any particular look or feel or proper flow to their business or brand.

🛑 Having the professional shots or wide brimmed hats to fit in with the cool kids (Unless you genuinely love wide brimmed hats of course, the point is... You don't do it because you "have" to!)

🛑 Being at all polished or professional or having the perfect power point slides.

🛑 What marketing or sales or launching is supposed to look like based on the gurus or "experts".

🛑 Whether a ‘high level person’ would really do it ___ way.

Those crushing it, slaying, making money on demand simply BECAUSE…

They are really not concerned with anything, because what they are concerning themselves WITH –

as we all would benefit from-

 is simply showing up, following soul, & putting their work into the world for their dreamiest hell yes clients to find, purchase, & rave about them over!

From inner authority.

From YOUR inner calling.

Everything I have accomplished I was told I couldn’t, wouldn’t, because I didn’t have the proper marketing, right branding, I was too this or not enough of that….

And let me tell you something:

No guru, expert, anyone outside of you knows YOUR true calling.

And your true calling requires nothing of you other than being 100% you.


All the time.

Unleashed.  Unapologetic.  Unfiltered.

Any “I always follow soul except for ____” is generated from lack of self trust in YOUR innate MF power & then capping your limitless potential.

For you, for the revolutionaries, it MUST be different, has to be different, to unlock our highest potential & blow our damn minds, as well as the worlds.

🐆 No rules

🐆 No proper-must do's, should do’s, to be invited I have to’s.

🐆 No ‘this is how marketing or sales should look’ based on what a guru or expert told me.

🐆 No ‘this is what I know I have to do to be/ do/ have ___'.

🐆 No ‘once I _____ then I can ____do or be what I really want and what would light me on FIRE'.

In order to unapologetically claim MASSIVE money results, MASSIVE impact and legacy...

And CONTINUAL flow of EXACTLY the clients and customers you want, exactly the kind of audience you want. The badasses you long to be surrounded by.

MONEY in exactly the way it would be SO freakin’ fun for you, and just RIGHT for you.

You MUST do it your way.

Rebel Millionaire Unleashed- The Human Design Marketing Mastermind details drop MONDAY with limited space in each mastermind (A 6 week high intensive, asskicking, revolutionary mastermind for each design).

P.S- THE HUMAN DESIGN COACHING ACADEMY doors close in 3 weeks.  When it reopens there will not be a live coaching aspect.  If you have been on the fence NOW is the time to jump!

Trust yourself & back yourself.

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Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.