A hard truth about soul led business

Aug 03, 2022

A hard truth:

A lot of people don’t have staying power in this industry. 

I look around at who is still here from when I started & the drop off is staggering. 

And it isn’t from lack of wealth. Many created multiple 6 figure businesses but decided it just wasn’t worth it anymore. 

Here is why I believe so many soul led entrepreneurs are either one hit wonders, like Hansen, or remain the internets best kept secret barely getting by month to month:

They are not allowing themselves to be supported by their business. 

It seems all fun & games to just go month to month launching whatever the heart desires, taking bubble baths, constantly DOING (hidden as feminine flow because you don’t have strategy), doing daily tactics…

Until you hit burnout.

Adrenal fatigue.

Until you literally just cannot keep plugging in and supporting your business with your energy anymore (Because why should you!?). 

Until your nervous system says NO FUCKING MORE & you can’t launch another damn product to save your life. 

And then what?

Without the structure & support in the business as soon as you stop, so do sales. So do leads.  

Yet, so many would STILL rather die on the hill of “feminine flow”, “structure is the old way from men”, etc etc than just allow themselves to be SUPPORTED. 

And yet it shows up in other ways as well such as hiring the coach but not REALLY utilizing the coaches knowledge.  Not ACTUALLY allowing yourself to be supported by them.  Not truly allowing yourself to see the blindspots preventing your growth.

You must allow yourself to be supported before coaching is effective & before your business can actually not only SCALE but be SUSTAINABLE….

Because, congrats, you got the 100K month. Now what?  How long does 100k last? Not long.  And if you are on the milestone chase the “high” it creates lasts a whole 1 or 2 days until you start moving into the next month & you have to best the previous month.

It reminds me of my networking marketing days panicking over hitting certain “milestones” at the beginning of each month or else being kicked out of the club.

THAT ISN’T A BUSINESS MODEL that is sustainable & scalable.

But, look, I am not here to force anyone.  I do not bodybag people.  I refuse to use my sacred energy to convince people that this isn’t the way.

Yet, I am here when you realize it & decide to have someone help you build an off ramp.



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