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It’s not weird when you sell daily… It’s weird when you have a business & you don’t.

I work with clients that have physical businesses as well as online businesses & sales 100% of the time go up (Yes, I am comfortable saying 100%)...

When they UNAPOLOGETICALLY SELL & continue selling.

I had a client recently say “But I am nervous to bug people/ turn people off if I keep posting the same products”.  After getting over that not self BS she started posting daily… And sold out of products shortly after.

People are busy.

Most people are zombies mindlessly scrolling through stories. 

And I would HOPE you have new people coming into your world every single day who need to be nurtured & told what you do/ what you offer.

Research shows we are now up to about 12 times (whether ads or organic) before someone buys something.  TWELVE TIMES.

So when you casually mention a product or service then never mention it again it is impossible to tell what worked or what didn’t in terms of your copy, sales page, funnel, freebie, etc because you didn’t back it up with actually showing up!

I see people often say “Just lean back, release control, & receive… selling is the old way”.  A lot of people that are saying that are parroting what they heard from their coach who spent YEARS building an audience, has an army of affiliates, has omnipresence, has built authority in their niche, & maybe even has ads.

You have a BUSINESS.  It’s weird when businesses don’t sell…

It’s then a hobby.  Which is nothing wrong with it if you want a hobby.

And yes, I help people leverage their Human Design, learn the tweaks to make that amplify impact using BG5/ their aura…

Yet you still have to show up for what you are offering.

To 🚀YOUR sales & impact ICONIC is the place.  It is a high level mastermind to hit consistent 5 figure months using Human Design/ BG5…. Yet there is no “cosmic lottery” as Ra said.  You will have to be willing to take the information & run… That’s who I work best with.

I also have a free training today called Leverage Your Human Design to 🚀Sales.  That is going down at noon eastern.  Link is in my bio!  If you are looking for a little alignment & asskickery around showing up & doing the damn thing I welcome you to the call!



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