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The Dilemma of the 4th Line

#humandesign #humandesign4thline #humandesignblog #humandesignbusinesscoach #humandesigncoach #manifestationbabe Jul 17, 2021
The extroverted introvert…
The whole point of Human Design is harmonizing our profile lines (well, in my opinion also bringing us back to OUR sovereignty & power).
We all have a natural polarity in our profile lines….
And that polarity…
The two distinct energies of design & personality…
Are held together by the magnetic monopole in a type of “forced marriage”, as Ra called it.
The 4th line I find the most fascinating, not only because I experience it myself but because of the natural polarity AND instability inherent in it….
There is a DEEP polarity in the 4th line itself….
Yes, you are the networker however you also only have so much energy (Even if you are a Generator or MG) to network & be around others….
And it is critical to strike this balance to prevent burnout…
Finding that balance can prevent hitting your limiting perspective of FATIGUE.
Let me tell you…
When I realized this I shifted everything in my business.
I was becoming fatigued (limiting perspective of the 4th line) because I was trying to run my business on my own AND run all my programs LIVE monthly…
I was constantly launching, present in programs….
Keeping things going month to month.
And yes I “made” it.
I hit all the fancy numbers…
But my 4th line was burned out AF.
I was always “on”…
I was operating in the false narrative that a Generator is meant to go go go…
And I kept hitting brick walls.
It isn’t the frequency a 4th line can hold…
Not for long at least.
I don’t know if you can relate as a 4th line but I see this over & over again in new clients, particularly the Generators & MGS burning out because of a false perception of what it means to be an embodied sacral being…
But I see this over & over…
Go go go.
Launch, create, run live programs, launch create run live programs….
Month to month…
Hit brick wall.
Call it the void (I am including all designs in this!) or Generator plateau…
Which is ISN’T when it is burnout.
Go go go…
Rinse & repeat.
Another important aspect of the 4th line is that your networking & connections is about OPPORTUNITY, not necessarily building friendships…
You are designed to know errrrryone….
Maybe not by name ( 😉 ) but you are 6 degrees from everyone.
THIS is a powerful magnetic force in your business.
The correct opportunities must go through your strategy & authority or you will again burn out.
There was a time I used to say yes to EVERY podcast interview, opportunity to speak in someone’s group….
Constantly saying yes to opportunities that were not correct for me then regretting them shortly after & feeling the need to take time away from things that did light me up.
It is a natural balancing act within the 4th line of networking & time alone.
Now, here is the thing…
Ra said: I watch in wonder… They have an ability to weave networks without having the skills to weave networks. It’s like Spiderman setting out webs.
There is an ENORMOUS power within this frequency to create vast networks, become the GO TO EXPERT & build incredible influence with pure ease.
My tip in business:
The hustle & monthly launch life can become a drain. You may be able to keep it up but ask “Is how my business running sustainable? Can I expand from here? Be MORE present from here (in all areas of life)?”
Because remember, the time you need alone isn’t just from your network but from everyone around you.
Times going up in the next 24 hours for AUGUST Human Design Foundational & Starseed DNA Activation Calls….
When they are gone they are gone…
And they go fast!
I am also putting together a fun bundle for those that BBHD was out of reach for right now to hold you over until the next launch (Planned for January 2022, it is set to only launch 2-3 x per year).
ALSO for those more intermediate in their HD studies, with an established business, & who desire the strategy & embodiment of their HD & GK…
My 6 week HIGH INTENSIVE 1:1 coaching is coming back!
Eee! Those spots ALSO go like hot cakes!

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