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Difference in Waiting: Generator vs Projector

alignment energy how to be human design law of attraction manifestation meditation Aug 22, 2019

💸 Waiting to Respond vs Waiting for the Invitation 💰

So often I find Projectors are actually waiting to respond, thinking they are waiting for the invitation and Generators are waiting for the invitation when they should be responding moment to moment.

It may seem like semantics but it makes a MASSIVE difference in the Quantum and in your alignment.

Projectors, you are waiting for the invitation, to be in alignment.

Generators, you are waiting to respond moment to moment.

✨ What is the difference?✨

The difference lies in the energy: Generators are energy types and Projectors are non-energy types.  Therefore, the waiting in an energy type is much different than the waiting of a non energy type.

Generators are naturally stock piled with energy. They are historically the workforce but now they (we!) are simply badass self powered never stopping, hustling badasses!

The frustration for Generators comes from 2 places.

1) Being in work they aren't lit up AF by.

2) Not understanding wtf waiting to respond even means.

The moment a Generator follows their passion and STOPS trying to initiate something, such as a goal, financial marker, an idea, relationship, etc, their energy is in alignment and shit just flows. It flows like never before. Moment. To. Moment.

And that magic in the waiting brings MORE opportunity from the Universe.  At this point life becomes their friend, instead of something to control.

When a Generator stops trying to control they are able to receive.

Projectors are very different.  It may at first seem like due to their undefined Sacral they may find waiting easier but I find Projectors find it much harder.

The Projector cannot see their energy working in response moment to moment like a Generator does because LIFE itself is the initiator for the Generator.

The Projector must realize that PEOPLE are the key for them.

Projectors fulfill their destiny by guiding others that come to them, and open their energy to the Projector.  Due to this Projectors have to wait for invitations that speak to them specifically.

The largest struggle for the Projector is accepting the right energy because Projectors fear that they will not be invited again, if they pass up an invitation.

This leads to them agreeing to opportunities where they must compromise, leaking energy and causing them to not be in alignment.  This could also mean they are then tied up and unable to take an opportunity that would have felt 100% aligned.

(Side note: You aren't "missing out", Projectors, you are leaving yourself open for the RIGHT opportunity to be invited to. )

Due to the fear associated with a Projector they are GREAT at convincing themselves to compromise and then feel like they are short changing themselves when they realize it wasn't what they really wanted (made the decision with their mind instead of their inner authority).  This will lead to bitterness in the Projector.

Another major difference is this: A Generator's strategy is forever, moment to moment. They wait to respond over and over again.  As a Generator I can honestly say it is pure fucking magic, if you can get out of your head long enough!

A Projector is much different and their strategy only holds for the most important decisions in life; job, relationships, travel, where to live, etc.

Projectors lives are made on these key invitations and a Projector must become ruthless in not compromising.

To Provide some real world examples to make it more clear the difference between a response to life and the response to an invitation from a person:

A Generator leaves a meeting and walks outside to grab a taxi.  To use their strategy of waiting for a response they know that by WAITING for a taxi it will happen much more quickly than trying to Google numbers for Taxi's, potentially getting frustrated over that process then waiting for the Taxi they called.  It is a huge waste of their energy and source of negative feelings of frustration. Their response is to life, therefore they wait for a taxi and are in alignment.

For a Projector, if we were to use the above example (even though it isn't a big life decision a Projector would use their energy for!) they would wait for a invitation from a PERSON.  Maybe someone from the meeting walks with them outside and offers them a ride home.  They decide that is a great idea because they wanted to bounce some ideas off of them and it is a perfect opportunity to do so!  That leads to them working on a project with this person for work.  PEOPLE and the exchange of energy with another person is ALWAYS the key for a Projector!

💰 How these designs operate in business is completely different ends of the spectrum.

💰 How these designs attract money and a "HOW THE fuck did she do that" kind of life is totally different.

💰 How these designs both put up resistance, magnetize soul aligned clients and more is completely different.

In Magnetic Wealth we go over not only the mindset of attracting a how the fuck did she do that kind of life...

We go DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE into Human Design & Money.

We dive DEEPER THAN EVER into how to have MASSIVE success on the material plane.

This is where the magical juju is.

Are you ready!?


💸 Waiting to Respond vs Waiting for the Invitation 💰

It may seem like semantics but it makes a MASSIVE difference in the Quantum and in your alignment.

Projectors, you are waiting for the invitation, to be in alignment.

Generators, you are waiting to respond moment to moment.

So often I find Projectors are actually waiting to respond, thinking they are waiting for the invitation and Generators are waiting for the invitation when they should be responding moment to moment.

✨ What is the difference?✨

The difference lies in the energy: Generators are energy types and Projectors are non-energy types. Therefore, the waiting in an energy type is much different than the waiting of a non energy type.

Generators are naturally stock piled with energy. They are historically the workforce but now they (we!) are simply badass self powered never stopping, hustling badasses!

The frustration for Generators comes from 2 places.

1) Being in work they aren't lit up AF by.

2) Not understanding wtf waiting to respond even means.

The moment a Generator follows their passion and STOPS trying to initiate something, such as a goal, financial marker, an idea, relationship, etc, their energy is in alignment and shit just flows. It flows like never before. Moment. To. Moment.

And that magic in the waiting brings MORE opportunity from the Universe. At this point life becomes their friend, instead of something to control.

When a Generator stops trying to control they are able to receive.

Projectors are very different. It may at first seem like due to their undefined Sacral they may find waiting easier but I find Projectors find it much harder.

The Projector cannot see their energy working in response moment to moment like a Generator does because LIFE itself is the initiator for the Generator.

The Projector must realize that PEOPLE are the key for them.

Projectors fulfill their destiny by guiding others that come to them, and open their energy to the Projector. Due to this Projectors have to wait for invitations that speak to them specifically.

The largest struggle for the Projector is accepting the right energy because Projectors fear that they will not be invited again, if they pass up an invitation.

This leads to them agreeing to opportunities where they must compromise, leaking energy and causing them to not be in alignment. This could also mean they are then tied up and unable to take an opportunity that would have felt 100% aligned.

(Side note: You aren't "missing out", Projectors, you are leaving yourself open for the RIGHT opportunity to be invited to. )

Due to the fear associated with a Projector they are GREAT at convincing themselves to compromise and then feel like they are short changing themselves when they realize it wasn't what they really wanted (made the decision with their mind instead of their inner authority). This will lead to bitterness in the Projector.

Another major difference is this: A Generator's strategy is forever, moment to moment. They wait to respond over and over again. As a Generator I can honestly say it is pure fucking magic, if you can get out of your head long enough!

A Projector is much different and their strategy only holds for the most important decisions in life; job, relationships, travel, where to live, etc.

Projectors lives are made on these key invitations and a Projector must become ruthless in not compromising.

To Provide some real world examples to make it more clear the difference between a response to life and the response to an invitation from a person:

A Generator leaves a meeting and walks outside to grab a taxi. To use their strategy of waiting for a response they know that by WAITING for a taxi it will happen much more quickly than trying to Google numbers for Taxi's, potentially getting frustrated over that process then waiting for the Taxi they called. It is a huge waste of their energy and source of negative feelings of frustration. Their response is to life, therefore they wait for a taxi and are in alignment.

For a Projector, if we were to use the above example (even though it isn't a big life decision a Projector would use their energy for!) they would wait for a invitation from a PERSON. Maybe someone from the meeting walks with them outside and offers them a ride home. They decide that is a great idea because they wanted to bounce some ideas off of them and it is a perfect opportunity to do so! That leads to them working on a project with this person for work. PEOPLE and the exchange of energy with another person is ALWAYS the key for a Projector!

💰 How these designs operate in business is completely different ends of the spectrum.

💰 How these designs attract money and a "HOW THE fuck did she do that" kind of life is totally different.

💰 How these designs both put up resistance, magnetize soul aligned clients and more is completely different.

In Magnetic Wealth we go over not only the mindset of attracting a how the fuck did she do that kind of life...

We go DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE into Human Design & Money.

We dive DEEPER THAN EVER into how to have MASSIVE success on the material plane.

This is where the magical juju is.

Are you ready!?


💸 Waiting to Respond vs Waiting for the Invitation 💰

It may seem like semantics but it makes a MASSIVE difference in the Quantum and in your alignment.

Projectors, you are waiting for the invitation, to be in alignment.

Generators, you are waiting to respond moment to moment.

So often I find Projectors are actually waiting to respond, thinking they are waiting for the invitation and Generators are waiting for the invitation when they should be responding moment to moment.

✨ What is the difference?✨

The difference lies in the energy: Generators are energy types and Projectors are non-energy types. Therefore, the waiting in an energy type is much different than the waiting of a non energy type.

Generators are naturally stock piled with energy. They are historically the workforce but now they (we!) are simply badass self powered never stopping, hustling badasses!

The frustration for Generators comes from 2 places.

1) Being in work they aren't lit up AF by.

2) Not understanding wtf waiting to respond even means.

The moment a Generator follows their passion and STOPS trying to initiate something, such as a goal, financial marker, an idea, relationship, etc, their energy is in alignment and shit just flows. It flows like never before. Moment. To. Moment.

And that magic in the waiting brings MORE opportunity from the Universe. At this point life becomes their friend, instead of something to control.

When a Generator stops trying to control they are able to receive.

Projectors are very different. It may at first seem like due to their undefined Sacral they may find waiting easier but I find Projectors find it much harder.

The Projector cannot see their energy working in response moment to moment like a Generator does because LIFE itself is the initiator for the Generator.

The Projector must realize that PEOPLE are the key for them.

Projectors fulfill their destiny by guiding others that come to them, and open their energy to the Projector. Due to this Projectors have to wait for invitations that speak to them specifically.

The largest struggle for the Projector is accepting the right energy because Projectors fear that they will not be invited again, if they pass up an invitation.

This leads to them agreeing to opportunities where they must compromise, leaking energy and causing them to not be in alignment. This could also mean they are then tied up and unable to take an opportunity that would have felt 100% aligned.

(Side note: You aren't "missing out", Projectors, you are leaving yourself open for the RIGHT opportunity to be invited to. )

Due to the fear associated with a Projector they are GREAT at convincing themselves to compromise and then feel like they are short changing themselves when they realize it wasn't what they really wanted (made the decision with their mind instead of their inner authority). This will lead to bitterness in the Projector.

Another major difference is this: A Generator's strategy is forever, moment to moment. They wait to respond over and over again. As a Generator I can honestly say it is pure fucking magic, if you can get out of your head long enough!

A Projector is much different and their strategy only holds for the most important decisions in life; job, relationships, travel, where to live, etc.

Projectors lives are made on these key invitations and a Projector must become ruthless in not compromising.

To Provide some real world examples to make it more clear the difference between a response to life and the response to an invitation from a person:

A Generator leaves a meeting and walks outside to grab a taxi. To use their strategy of waiting for a response they know that by WAITING for a taxi it will happen much more quickly than trying to Google numbers for Taxi's, potentially getting frustrated over that process then waiting for the Taxi they called. It is a huge waste of their energy and source of negative feelings of frustration. Their response is to life, therefore they wait for a taxi and are in alignment.

For a Projector, if we were to use the above example (even though it isn't a big life decision a Projector would use their energy for!) they would wait for a invitation from a PERSON. Maybe someone from the meeting walks with them outside and offers them a ride home. They decide that is a great idea because they wanted to bounce some ideas off of them and it is a perfect opportunity to do so! That leads to them working on a project with this person for work. PEOPLE and the exchange of energy with another person is ALWAYS the key for a Projector!

💰 How these designs operate in business is completely different ends of the spectrum.

💰 How these designs attract money and a "HOW THE fuck did she do that" kind of life is totally different.

💰 How these designs both put up resistance, magnetize soul aligned clients and more is completely different.

In Magnetic Wealth we go over not only the mindset of attracting a how the fuck did she do that kind of life...

We go DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE into Human Design & Money.

We dive DEEPER THAN EVER into how to have MASSIVE success on the material plane.

This is where the magical juju is.

Are you ready!?


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