ADHD + HD Private Coaching

Tired of feeling stuck in the tangled web of conditioning & ADHD symptoms?

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Achieve your goals and feel better than ever using Human Design. 


Have you been diagnosed with ADHD later in life, maybe even around the same time you found Human Design?

Are you left confused on the "not self", ADHD symptoms, & where YOU are in between the tangled web of conditioning?

Then, I created this for you.


ADHD isn't about not knowing what to do, it's a disorder of not being able to DO what you know you should, or need, to do.


Does this sound like you?

  • You can’t get yourself to consistently keep a schedule.
  • You get bored easily when following through on your goals which creates a stop go energy (which is exhausting).
  • Everything seems fun at first, but you can’t make yourself keep going when it gets hard... Which then causes issues in your business & life.
  • You make impulsive decisions, which you regret later, even though you try to "follow your design".

And maybe, up until this point you thought those things were "normal" for you, even with ADHD, because of your design ("But I'm an MG, I'm meant to be all over the place").

 If you are ready to better understand yourself, and take greater ownership than ever of your uniquely differentiated self, shadows, & wound imprints that come with your unique experience on this plane...

This is for you!

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If you feel like despite having your diagnosis AND knowing your design you are still felt in the void wondering "how do I move forward with this"!?.


Gain a deeper understanding of yourself & your true potential.

Move from stuck & overwhelm to a place of inner clarity & calm.
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3 Private Calls Per Month

Join me on zoom for private calls utilizing your Human Design bodygraph & Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile.

Primary Health System & Rave Psychology

In this call we will dive into the deeper layers of the mechanics which make up your reality. I have found Digestion & Environment are crucial aspects of the bodygraph to support ADHD'ers in their deconditioning journey.

Voxer Support

Voxer support with 1 area of support daily, Monday- Friday.

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What Others
Have Experienced

Be Inspired

“If you’re a high level entrepreneur or business looking for the best support to help you optimize your team and scale your opportunity for profits - Ashley is your only choice.

She is leading the way when it comes to advanced, integrity based human design training and consultancy and is paving the way for so many business owners, professionals, and athletes to succeed.

As a Positive Psychologist and CEO of a multi million dollar online training company myself, with a 30+ person staff, and a close knit and highly curated leadership team I am committed to creating high performance and not just optimizing, but weaponizing our human capital so we can scale our company faster and help more people in the world.

That’s why I hired Ash to support our team to gain clarity around our best styles of leading, communicating, and working together so we can leverage her expert knowledge and support to help us grow. 

Whether you are an individual or a team you’re getting left behind if you don’t do this work.

Thinking about taking a course, hiring her as a coach or bringing her in to work closely with your team like I did? Do it - your people, profits, and purpose will thank you for it.”  


Niyc Pidgeon, Founder of Unstoppable Success, Creator of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy Certification, Award Winning Positive Psychologist, & Hay House Author.

"This pure Generator just gets me going! Ashley knows how to light my fire.  I have never been so fulfilled, so happy, so in my element, so creative, so lit up. I can't remember the last time I made this much money. The formula is not what they say it is. You have your own unique formula & no one has brought this out more in me than Ashley.  You need to get inside her programs.  Trust me!

She is one of the only people that I will continue to work with.  She finds out about YOU & what YOU want & how YOU operate. She doesn't fit you into a box, she doesn't tell you what to do based on some ridiculous formula.  She guides you back to you.  Never have I felt more free, never have I felt more alive never have I felt so fulfilled AND on mission with my purpose.

A lot of people struggle with this for so long, I did as well. Ashley is your girl for all things business.

My life has transformed because of Ashley. I  get moved to tears when I think about her because she cares about me & there are so many people in this journey who didn't.  They just saw me as a dollar sign & cared about my money, they just told me to do things that weren't right for me- Not Ashley.  

Ashley has a heart of gold & I am just so honoured to be in her world."

Ashley Vincent, Manifestor, of Ashley's Light Shop

It’s time to do something different that’s built for the ADHD brain & unique design.


Burnout cycles...


Being disorganized...

And endless pressure to prove yourself....

Don't have to be your reality.

We CAN untangle the web to reveal the unique mechanics at play in your brain (and design).

When I started to test my theory, on where ADHD + HD meet, with myself first I noticed the things I hated most about myself, such as:

>> ALL in, until being bored & needing a new stimulation.
>> Perfectionism to the point of stomach ulcers.
>> Being disorganized
>> Explosive emotions

Were symptoms of my ADHD, *NOT* normal for my design ("Oh, I'm just responding to things, that's why I am so distracted!").

That's when I started testing my theory, and the intersection of ADHD, HD, & true self with clients.

Now, I am ready to bring it to a larger group of clients.

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You're not changing who you are you're shedding layers to become more of who you are meant to be.

Untangle the web of ADHD + HD

So that you can end burnout cycles & let the real you take centre stage.

Go on a true deconditioning journey

As much as our ADHD brains love fast & new this is a journey.  This will not be a quick fix.... But it will be worth the journey!

Work with a trained Human Design Guide

As a student in at the 2.5 year Differentiation Degree College, at the IHDS, I am proud to offer the *true* Science of Differentiation to support you in your journey.

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Hi! I'm Ashley.

And I will be your guide untangling your ADHD + HD!


While Ashley works with high performers who are ready to step away from the rat race & truly rediscover who they are her specialty is working with women diagnosed with ADHD later in life.

Ashley has been supporting ADHDers both in the counselling field & in the coaching industry for the past 15 years. She has worked with children, youth, & adults in a range of environments from women’s shelters, group homes, & even in an Equine Assisted Therapy program, run in conjunction with the Canadian Mental Association, in helping adults return to the workforce after time away due to mental health.  Her focus in University was on risk vs resilience, deeply interested in what makes people succeed regardless of external (or internal) factors.

Since finding Human Design + Gene Keys Ashley brings a unique lens to the ADHD field as symptoms & conditioning can amplify each other making it more difficult for ADHD'ers to work towards their goals in ways that truly works for them (long term).  Through a more spiritual lens Ashley supports her clients in understanding their shadows & wound patterns with compassion as well as ownership.

Join Ashley to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life, how some patterns that you beat yourself up over or which create chaos in your life were never YOU but your brain, and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by FIRST accepting who you are.  Ashley does this through the lens of Human Design & Gene Keys, believing that our best bet for success lies in building on who you already are, not trying to become someone you’re not (flaws & all).

Whether you are officially diagnosed, self-diagnosed, or just curious you are welcome here.  The only requirement is a willingness to enter a journey that is not an overnight process, or quick fix, but one that reveals your hidden potential & true desires below all the societal conditioning & ADHD distractions.


Disclaimer:  While Ashley was a counsellor working in the mental health field she now works strictly within a coaching capacity.  This podcast is not meant to replace medical advice, medication, and working with health care professionals.  

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HD for the ADHD'er works. The data supports it. My life transformation supports it. My clients transformations support it.


It's time to take back the drivers seat of your life.


Whether you’re clinically or self-diagnosed, just found out, or have been at this ADHD thing for years, ADHD + HD is for you if:

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Apply today to transform your life from the inside out.

Please note:  Space is limited and a priority of mine is ensuring it is the right fit for both of us.  After completing the application please give me 48-72 business hours (Monday-Friday) to review & respond.

This is also NOT a replacement for medical support.  If you are struggling to function day to day or your symptoms are creating a mental health crisis this offer is NOT appropriate for you.  This is a coaching offer, not therapy.

If you have questions please don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected].